Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We're Mad as Hell, I Hope We Don't Take Anymore!

The founding fathers designed this country to operate politically so that elected officials respected and followed the wishes of the people who voted for them. The consequences were, they got the boot and someone else represented those voters, if they failed. Currently it appears that our representatives in Washington don't feel they need to act on our behalf and are off pursuing their own agenda.

Seventy-one percent (71%) of voters nationwide say they’re at least somewhat angry about the current policies of the federal government. That figure includes 46% who are Very Angry.

Now does this sound like a formula for success at the polls? Truth be told, Congress is going to pass some form of healthcare and cap and trade. The details don't concern them, as they will amend the legislation later to get the designed objective. As long as they have a bill they can mold it later to suite their needs.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 27% are not angry about the government's policies, including 10% who are Not at All Angry.

The evidence stands before us in the Federal Reserve Act, pass in the early 1900's. The bill included concessions that maligned the writer's objectives, but since it's passing it's been amended over 100 times to create the legislation they originally intended.

Men are angrier than women, and voters over 40 are more angry than those who are younger. A majority of those over 40 are Very Angry. Only 25% of under-30 voters share that view.

So Congress knows this, bickering over petty details is just a show for we the voters. The deal has been cut and we are going to have a bill. Once the bill is on the table accessories can be added. So while they're going to try to remain close to their original goal, the outcome is moot. Down the road they will conform these acts of legislation to the intended original form.

The data suggests that the level of anger is growing. The 71% who are angry at federal government policies today is up five percentage points since September.

Even more stunning, the 46% who are Very Angry is up 10 percentage points from September.

As you can see America isn't happy according to recent polls. The only way to combat this type of indifference is to flush everyone in office and begin anew. Vote in people who are not career politicians and set term limits.

Among the nation’s Political Class, just six percent (6%) are angry. However, among those with more Mainstream, or populist, views, 85% are angry. A majority of Americans today hold views that can be described as Mainstream or populist. Very few align with the Political Class.

We have drifted as far as we need to from our founders design. Politicians no longer fear the voter, we fear the politicians. It's useless to voice our opinion, they have their own agenda. It's time to take back American and put it back on course. The phrase "of the people, for the people, and by the people." has be lost. If they don't present OUR agenda; can they truly be called representatives?

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. 202) 224 2131) you know what to do pass it on and ask they past it on and so on and so on and so on.
    202) 224 2131 ring' ring' ring' hello, hello I live in Representatives so and so district and since you made history passing bla, bla, bla, bill so will I by doing the same for you as you did for me that's right now it's my turn to stick it to you.
    In 2010 I will also make history with the cya bill CYA!!.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...............................I MAN
