Sunday, December 20, 2009


The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is Natural Law.

So just what is this Natural Law I'm always referring to? Cicero (106-43 B.C.), was a Roman political writer, who rose to the highest office of state (Roman Counsel)after studying law and philosophy. He tells us the Natural Law is a code of right reason from the Creator himself. The foundation of our country is based on it, it is basic in it's principles, comprehensible to the human mind, totally correct and morally right in it's general operation. Unless of course your a modern day left wing politician.

The concept of unalienable rights is based on Natural Law.
The concept of unalienable duties is also based on Natural Law.
Habeas Corpus, again Natural Law.
Limited government, Natural Law.
The separation of powers base, is in Natural Law.
A system of checks and balances, a product of Natural Law.
Laws protecting the family and the institution of marriage is again founded in Natural Law.
Restitution for damages, Natural Law
The right to bear arms, nestled in Natural Law.
The principle of no taxation without representation is a by product of Natural Law!

You can see our founding fathers were well versed in Natural Law. Anybody else think the Congress and Senate should be clued in? Here's what Cicero said about politicians like the ones we have in office....

"But the most foolish notion of all is the belief that everything which is just, is found in the customs or laws of nations....
What of the many deadly, the many pestilential statutes which nations put in force? These no more deserve to be called laws than the rules of a band of robbers might pass in their assembly. For if ignorant and unskillful men have prescribed deadly poison instead of healing drugs, these cannot possibly be called physicians prescriptions; neither in a nation can a statute of any sort be called a law, even through a nation, in spite of being a ruinous regulation has accepted it." (ibid)

Wow, is that applicable today or what? It kind of hits you right in the universal health care debacle. Cicero isn't done with these fools yet.....

"Justice can never be expected from laws arbitrarily passed in violation of the standards set up under the laws of Nature, or the laws of the Creator."

Now I don't know about you, but it sounds to me like like he was familiar with one of Al Gore's ancestors! They weren't immune to fools back then either! Cicero was a tough cuss, he wasn't done yet.....

"But if the principles of Justice were founded on the decrees of peoples, the edicts of princes, or the decisions of judges, then Justice would sanction robbery, adultery, and the forgery of wills, in case these acts were approved by the votes or decrees of the populace."

Or man is flawed, God gave us a set of rules, all we can do from there is mess them up. As we are today. Some how we decided that a commodity that is bought and sold is a God given right. We've also become so egotistical that we think we can control the climate. Politicians are attempting to redefine marriage, because man has decided the natural version doesn't fit his needs. The great minds of history have told us this won't work. Perhaps if we'd been taught true history in our government controlled school curriculum, we'd know this and be on a different path.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. The world is at a lost for a way out.
    Parliamentarian and Democracy are on the decline.
    Salvation is being sought in fascism and other form of strong Government.
    The state has more existence then GOD and the Devils have.
    The insane notion that the state is "superhuman the supreme reality, the absolute".
    Independence and Freedom has been won.
    It's cost of time and blood has secure what little it has gained from Kings, tsars, and Government.
    Today's political Government philosophy is once again suppressing your rights GOD or man given.
    The state government whatever form of character or color be it generally is afraid of the people because it can suppress your freedom and any right you have but not you mine.
    They are doing there best to take as much as they can for 2010 is here.
    They know your mine can't be suppress and in 2010 we will use it to "CHANGE" the change we have been sold.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...............................I MAN
