Friday, December 11, 2009

A Tale of Two Dogs!

Have you ever wondered why a dog chases it's tail? I came across this explanation the other day and I thought I'd share......

A wise old bloodhound came upon a young pup spinning in circles chasing it's tail. After several minuets of watching this futile effort he'd had all he could stand and inquired,"Son, what on earth are you trying to accomplish?" Well the youngster stopped long enough to catch his breath and replied,"Sir, I've just returned from the university where I studied dog psychology. We've learned that happiness lies within a dog's tail. Surely I'd be considered successful if I could catch my tail and achieve happiness." With this the bloodhound sat back on his haunches and scratched his chin. After a minute of internal deliberation he answered the pup. " Son, I've not been as blessed as you to have attended a school of higher learning, but I have found this to be true. Happiness is indeed based within a dog's tail. The secret is this; Live a life of character and service to others, and happiness and success, like your tail, will follow you wherever you go."

So my question to you is this....Are you chasing happiness and success, or does it follow you where ever you go? Don't chase what you can attract! Personal growth will help you develop the "attractive" qualities that will bring success to your door. I'm sure you know how silly it looks to others when you chase your tail!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. CAPTAIN you old dog.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...............................I MAN
