Saturday, December 19, 2009

Play Ball!

I had a great discussion last night about even during this state of disarray in America there is still hope. Not the kind of hope we got sold in the last election, but the kind that comes from Americans concerned enough to preserve their freedom.

They realize and refuse to accept the lies Al Gore is spreading about climate change. The truth tampered with is truth lost. Americans know the science is being skewed to fit the need of the cause. Our citizens have focused on the fact this is just a ploy to empty our pockets by a global effort.

We also realize the health care is not a right but a commodity. Rights are not bought and sold. There is no crisis when over 80% of America has health care they are satisfied with. We are not naive enough to believe the government can make health care decisions for us better than we can ourselves.

We understand that this administration is advised by a staff that consists of 93% that have never held a job outside of teaching at a university or government service. It's apparent to us that you can't know how to run a free market system without experience. Theory applied without piratical experience is called an experiment.

It's understood by us that those relied upon to solve the banking and wall street financial issues were the root cause of the problem. They were the ones who originally took us down this road to disaster. Now they are empowered by this administration to solve the mess they created.

America knows that increased tax burdens will not stimulate job growth. We know the only job growth to date is within the government itself. Private industry is shrinking. We understand a government employed society cannot support itself as it creates nothing but debt. It's apparent to us the only path out of this is American ingenuity and entrepreneur's endeavors, driving the creation of goods and services that feed needs and niches'.

We possess a hope that there is real change on the horizon. Not the bill of goods we were sold a year ago, but a realignment of the personnel in Washington. We understand we hold the power of the vote and we are also prepared to use it to make Washington understand that politician's should work for and fear the voters.

We realize there is a new dawn on the horizon. The two party system is under review. We are tired of voting for the candidate who will do the least harm. We want representative's who represent. We want an America run on free market principles. Where businesses are allowed to fail and those who cause it are looking for employment, not subsidized by us. We know complaining about bonuses paid to company executives that are perceived to be too high, wouldn't be an issue if those failed companies weren't bailed out contrary to our wishes to begin with.

There is hope America! "We the people", are the hope. Change doesn't lie in the government, it lies within us. Government is suppose to be like a referee, there to enforce the rules of the game, not to determine the winners and the losers. They are merely on the field to see that the rules are adhered to. The game is defined by the Constitution.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. What role did authority or Government play when man first harness fire to triumph over darkness, capture the wind, directed the water for betterment of man aka Civilization.


    MAN! the individual or groups of individual has provided all that we know today.
    Government in the social Scheme of things improves things by achieving problem with what is working and need not to be fixed.
    The Question is do we live in a society that is a REPUBLIC, fascism, socialism, dictatorship, prohibition, persecution, interference of our freedom by the state.
    We can choose which one we want in 2010 and 2012 is up to you.
    For if not then we live in a slave society aka communism.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...............................I MAN
