Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Moral Authority!

In today's society it's not uncommon to hear people challenge you when you speak out or take a stand. Often times they use the age old arguement questioning your moral fiber. While man is a sinner and no man is perfect, you can shut down that line of defense by simply being the example. I heard a great talk the other day by a Baptist preacher on exactly this topic. He defined it as being a moral authority.

It's merely a matter of living your life reflecting the moral stand that you take. If you wish people to be truthful to you, never let your actions reflect half, or the untrue. Albert Jay Nock says this; "Truth tampered with is truth lost." You have to walk the walk, as well as talk the talk. Eliminate the "gray areas."

It's not uncommon to turn to people we respect for advice on issues because they reflect the code of moral authority. To be a person who's opinion is respected and reveared you have to stand for integrity, character and have an unquestionable high moral fiber. Those individuals realized a long time ago there are no special deals. We all must strive to earn others respect by doing as we say.

A clear indicator of your level of moral authority is how often people ask advice on problems. They seek your wisdom because your the example of the life they look to live. Michael Jordan built a brand on his code of ethics with the "Be like Mike" slogan. How far could that have run without character and morals to back it up?

When a challenge in your life arises you've not handled well, speak out and tell the whole truth. Your credibility can be salvaged. Tiger Woods is a great, timely example of this. We all held him to a higher level, as a golf phenom he had to be something special. Well, it turns out he was human and had flaws as well. But what complicated his situation was deafening silence. The truth not spoken is as good as a lie. It's called a cover up. How much simpler would his life be had he spoken out admitting a sex addiction and bringing steps to his recovery to light? Well that's the decision we all face in times of trouble. Are we the moral authority we claim to be? Are we men and women of our word? Can you be a positive example? All great questions, humanity awaits your answers......

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. The Ten Commandments is the foundation to self respect and morals.
    No other moral authority is needed when you have them in your heart.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...................................I MAN
