Sunday, December 13, 2009

Government Exposed!

America, we are being scammed.., taken, robbed, fooled, flim flammed, having the wool pulled over our eyes, bait and switched, basically taken advantage of. Who's doing this skullduggery? Well, it's kind of a self inflicted wound, but would you be surprised to know it was our government? It's not a party thing, neither democrats, republicans, libertarians, nor independents are to blame. It's the concept of government, the whole thing is a ruse.

First let's examine government. Where did it come from? It was initiated to provide security. People were guided prior to government by social order and religion. Tribal law was handled by the elders. Religion dictated morals and conduct. Not too far into early man's existence people began to acquire possessions.

Enter the government, without an economic purpose, government has no reason to exist. Author Albert Jay Nock says it this way; "Since man always tends to satisfy his needs and desires with the least possible effort, he will employ the political means."

So what we're being told is government exists to redistribute our wealth. Think about it. What does government produce? Nothing! Just so you understand how undesirable government is, it has never been applied without force. Look at our own, England tried to enforce their rule over us, we resisted, had a war to proclaim our freedom, then impeached all that effort by installing a government of our own. At the onset it seemed innocent. Every nation has to be governed, no? After all we have to protect our newly formed nation. We traded freedom for security. That was the first compromise of our freedom, it went downhill from there. We had no defined government when we over threw England, we did have leadership though. Social and religious morality guided our war efforts and the initiation of our new republic.

Critics would stop me here and say; "But government protects our borders,maintains our army, and enforces our laws." To that I say, pshaw! What government was in place when we evicted England from our land? All our society needed was an injustice, a cause, and leadership. Instant independence! Well you might queerie; "Who would enact and enforce our laws?" Let me refer you to The Ten Commandments, it doesn't get any simpler than that. Wait, I stand corrected.... defined by King Pausole, a character in Pierre Louÿs' Les aventures du roi Pausole (The Adventures of King Pausole, published in 1901), he had the simple motto of:

1) Hurt no man!
2) Then do as you please.

Every law, commandment, edict, proclamation, legal decision, writ, amendment, etc,etc,etc, is based on these two simple principles. The rest of the legislation is just fodder. It's basically how the original tribal leaders decided how the group should be led. Those accessory laws are designed to do nothing but take power and income from you. You were sold this bag of dung under the guise of security, and they sold it well.

That's enough for today. I don't want to lose the message by exposing it all at once.I hope this expanded your mind. See part 2!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. If you taket a eagles egg and let a chicken raise the eagle it will think it's a chicken.
    It will not hunt as a predator but in time it will become the predator it is!
    Now we have voted in the Wolves to take care of the sheep.
    The Wolves are predator too and we have CHANGED up the SHEEP DOG!

    Thank you for your time.

    ...............................I MAN
