Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Part 3!

So let's review. In the beginning God created and ruled man. God gave man his freedom to do as he wished, so natural law guided the primitive society's justice system. So it looked like this....


Man became uncomfortable answering directly to God. He is a deity after all, kind of frightening when he unleashes his thunder, so we invented an intermediary, a king! The king would dictated God's will and administered justice. It kept the fire and brimstone out of the mix. So man didn't have to cower in front of God's greatness. The above equation morphed into something that resembled this.


Well as these things often do the king usurped his power. (Keep this in your notes, you'll see an eerily similar phenomena later in this post). The king decided he was the ultimate power and his ego tried to edge God out (EGO=edge God out). He tried to dictate to the people what God, or religion, they could worship. It played out like this


The devout would have nothing to do with this so they hopped a boat to America to find a land where they could worship as they chose. You know, express the freedom God had granted them. They wanted.....


The original equation? Fickle aren't we? Take away our freedom to worship and we split for a new venue! Well, as cool as that seemed, there was one outstanding issue. The devout that bolted were broke. So they promised a company, if they'd lend them a ship for transportation, they could have some of the spoils of the new promised land. Since that company was under a king's reign, his rules applied to the new settlement. So it looked like this....


Again the king flexed his muscles and tried to tell us what to do. Well, that wasn't the original idea so we evicted the king and his soldiers in the name of freedom. The United States of America was formed, with rights endowed to us by our Creator. We made sure all the freedoms we were denied under a tyrant were ours. Written down and protected by our Constitution. Declared for all the world to see, to be denied no man. So we won our freedom back. What God had intended was now ours to keep forever. Written on parchment and sealed by the blood of patriots. We had.....


Man is flawed, we have flawed thinking, so we formed a government. Will we ever learn? That program looked like this.....


Government is created by man so it's flawed too.As hard as the founding fathers tried to keep government in the back seat, it failed. It's become a power hungry entity, with an ego. So like the tyrant king, it hates competition. Guess who gets the short end of the stick again in the pecking order? A cross between confused priorities, and a misguided attempt to provide religious freedom for all, took God out of our government. Leaving the least desirable situation once again....


Now with God out of the mix; Who's going to dictate to the government policy? Enter the climate enthusiasts. You'll find most of them to be the same people who screamed for freedom of no religion. Nifty coincidence, huh? They have decided that something God created and left us to be good stewards of, was to be the dictating factor; our planet. They believe it should look like this.....


While having a clean environment to live in is a wonderful idea, it's still under God's reign. Removing Him from the equation is just misguided priorities. As my two previous posts pointed out the ideal configuration is.....


God left us a wonderful set of guidelines in the Ten Commandments. Good stewardship of the earth is just a matter of understanding we are placed here to do no man harm. "Do unto others, as you'd have them do unto you," it doesn't come in a less expensive form. Why legislate, tax, overcomplicate what's already in place? Because it's economically beneficial to do so, and it satisfies a need for power! It feeds the governmental beast's needs.

We have a choice. Government exists at our whim. How about we go back to the days when we were accountable to our creator? It removes the temptation for fraud, and eliminates the tendancy to exploit the system. Let's drop ego from the formula, and return to our roots. How can man, a flawed creation, dictate morality? The simple answer is....We can't!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Faith, Hope, Freedom ? GOD!
    Steeling, Deception, Enslaving ? Government.

    Thank you for your time.
    .................................I MAN
