Monday, September 19, 2011


Sometimes it best to let others explain things. Here's a tidbit from Orrin Woodward on friendship I absolutely love. To read more go to

True friendship is a lost art in today’s “Me” generation, but that only increases the value of a friend when he is found. The best way to find friends of this caliber is to be one, which is why friendship is one of the 13 resolutions. If someone dies having had several friends of this quality, then he is a blessed man. Make a commitment to give more to each relationship than one receives. Although simple in theory, this is much tougher to do in practice, especially with true friends. Friendship brings so much joy and fun into life, that it should be cultivated as a fine art. Conversely, damaged relationships bring so much pain into life, that conflict should be resolved promptly. Resolve the issues, not dissolve the friendship, if at all possible. The real wealth in life isn’t in a person’s net worth, but in his relationships with God, family, and friends. No amount of money can mend damaged relationship or purchase the joy and happiness experienced within a true friendship. Regardless of the fickleness and fecklessness witnessed in the world, resolve today to give others the fidelity and faithfulness of a true friend.- Orrin Woodward

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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