Friday, January 28, 2011

Wooden on Character!

This week I'm off to refuel the tank at the TEAM leadership winter convention. I've always felt true leadership rises and falls on character. So with that in mind, a snippet from coaching great John Wooden's book, A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off The Court.

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Character is what you really are. Reputation is what people say you are. Reputation is often based on character- but not always!

Character is more about how you react to things- sensibly, without getting carried away by yourself or your circumstances. A person of character is trustworthy and honest, and for a dollar, he or she will give you a dollar.

The other kind of person looks for a way out.

I like to think the players I coached, however they came to UCLA, left as men of character. But in truth, if they didn't have it when they came, I couldn't give it to them. It was too late. That's a job for a mother and a father.- John Wooden

Boy, now that's a mouthful.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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