Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pay Up Whimpy!

I haven't weighed in yet on the raising of the debt ceiling crisis our government has created and needs to deal with. You can tell by my tone this is not going to be pretty, but then facing the truth rarely is.

Liberals are quick to defend the need to go to the people's pocket by questioning whether you're willing to rise the full faith and credit of the American dollar by not raising the debt ceiling. Ironic they ask this question now, instead of when they consistently passed legislation that wasn't paid for. Isn't it funny they throw the ball of responsibility for damaging the dollar in the other court when it's time to pay the piper?

So the question remains, should we allow the government to raise it's credit limit when they can't meet the obligations now? The real question is, are we really dumb enough to even address this? If you owe someone ten dollars, and you can't repay it, is it wise of the person who lent you the ten dollars to lend you another ten, so they don't think less of you?

To become fiscally sound you don't borrow more money, you cut expenses. There is no better time than the present to begin that process. That would require someone in Washington have a backbone, because it's just not going to be popular.

The full faith and credit of the American dollar isn't worth the paper they are printing it on. Our dollar is already worth less today than it was a month ago. Have you seen the increase in gas prices and food cost at the grocery store? Your dollar is buying less!

Let's start by repaying the unused stimulus money back to the debt. That'll recoup 25% of the increase they are asking for. Pay deductions of all federal workers of 10%, and a hiring freeze. From this point on every government employee's pay will be commensurate with the starting salary of a private sector employee. Every government official will be mandated to cut their operating expenses by 10% across the board. Pork projects, defunded, foreign aid eliminated. Audit every department and program for waste and fraud, including medicare, medicaid, and social security.

One of the great talking points of the liberal faction is that conservatives are going to rob grandma and grandpa of their social security. While I'm not a fan of this program, one of the things we cannot do is raise the retirement age. While we are living longer, there is a point where you have to realize we cannot expect a 68 year old fireman or policeman to be on the job. Same applies for nurses, ironworkers, etc. It's not realistic to assume that seniors can continue a career at that age. There can only be room for so many grocery baggers, Wal-Mart greeters, and Walgreen checkout people. But we can offer the incoming youth other options to prepare for retirement. I'll save all that for another post!

Bottom line, you don't put more money in someone's checking account who continually writes bad checks. You act responsibly and take away the pen! Our government hasn't been fiscally responsible for a long, long time. Paying the piper is always painful! It's time to quit kicking the can down the road, and take our medicine. Just ask yourself and anyone who favors raising the debt ceiling. When is enough, enough?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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