Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Political Cowards!

"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately." -Ben Franklin

Isn't it interesting our founding fathers wrote and stood by the Declaration of Independence even though the British and the Tory sympathizers would have assassinated them for their beliefs? They lived life with a proverbial musket pointed constantly at them for their convictions of liberty. Most of them made sacrifices, both financially and physically, that cost them dearly for their political position.

Everyday we ask our service men and women to leave our shores to defend freedom in a foreign land. We ask them to defend the rights of people they have never met, or never may meet. Yet they hold the conviction of liberty and freedom strong enough to risk their lives for it. They are over worked and under paid, yet still they stand in the line of fire strong on their belief. They swore an oath to our country and to defend what our founding fathers wrote, no matter what the sacrifice. They've done this for generations.

Then in contrast we have today's politicians, stand before us (kinda), using every form of media that'll give them airtime, to ask for protection. Somebody drew a cross-hair on their district symbolizing it as a target for electoral overthrow. They stand in fear of their policies, of their constituents, of We The People, because they don't have the conviction of their belief. Where are the heroes? These lilly-livered poor excuses for leaders quiver at the thought of reaction to policies they backed, all because they were unpopular. Ben Franklin would be so proud of you!

How about we dress you in the same kevlar we give our soldiers so you can go out among the people and tell them how important it is we back your assault on our liberty. Are you that convicted, or are you just trying to get votes from those who seek entitlements? Does anyone else find it amusing it's all the liberals complaining? Apparently if your a conservative, and believe in the Constitution, your convictions are not one of convenience, and you don't have to live in fear. If your policies are that unpopular you have to live in fear, perhaps you should readdress those policies!

Back in the day of our founders, you had to hold to your belief. It wasn't uncommon for disagreements to lead to a pistol duel. While violence isn't ever the answer, the threat of it sure reveals character, or lack of it. This tragedy has exposed some giant yellow streaks running up the backs of our politicians, right where a spine should be. I can only pray this next election continues to pull the handle and flush this toilet bowl of cowards we have serving(?) in Washington. Maybe we should replace the word serving with the word hiding, in that last sentence. That's a better description!

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood before crowds of people knowing the preaching of his message of equality through peace and love, would eventually lead to his death. He was committed to his convictions. Many other leaders stand before crowds and audiences while death threats have been made. This defines leadership and conviction. Next time a politician asks for your vote, ask yourself; Is this person running for something, or are they going to Washington to run from something?

I also can't help but wonder, if America was under attack, and there were opposing forces in Washington DC, how many of these "leaders" would be buried Saddam Hussein like under a rock cowering in a tunnel like a little school girl? Then how many would emulate George Washington and the rest of our founding fathers and fight for the freedom we love? They all seem brave in front of the evil microphone, well until recently, but how many would stand for the cause of freedom if threatened? It's food for thought!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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