Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Attention Reverend Al.....

I have to highlight today an event that happened while I was doing my Twelve Days of Christmas run. Reverend Al Sharpton began an assault on freedom of speech, by demanding the FCC shut down Rush Limbaugh's radio program because he felt it had racial overtones. His charge was that Rush shouldn't be allowed to broadcast over federally controlled airways. Al never actually cited anything Rush had said, but he felt harm.

Here's the problem... In his vigor to attack Rush Limbaugh, Al overlooked something. The very same thing he's complaining about, he's guilty of himself! Absolutely everything Al Sharpton says has racial overtones. Him whole agenda is bias toward people of color. He's a color bigot. And in his zeal to silence a critic, he's actually exposed himself to the same scrutiny.

Let's look at the body of Reverend Al's work. He's been an advocate for the Afro-American for as long as I can remember, but honestly, he's likely what's been hindering progress. Isn't that a funny thing to say about a progressive liberal?

One of the first projects you should conquer if you want to defeat poverty and help your people rise toward success, is to ensure quality education. So has the drop out rate improved for the black community under Al's leadership? That answer would be, no!

You'd think preserving the family unit would be crucial to their cause. Raising children with two parents, guiding and nurturing them is a great way to improve community success. So has the birth rates of unwed mothers lowered since Al's started crying out? That answer would also be, no.

Abortion is the leading killer of Afro-Americans. Has that assault to their heritage diminished? Again, sadly, no!

Has the cruelty of Black-on-Black crime rate lowered any since old Al has begun to be the voice of the community? Once again, the answer is, no.

Has the food stamp or the welfare rolls receded any since the Reverend has preached his message? I'm afraid not.

Basically Reverend Al's liberal message of Black Theology, victim hood and reparation hasn't improved life for the black community. While Al's done a whole bunch of marching, all he's accomplished is a load of sore feet. It's time old Al checked his progress, wait I just did. I'm afraid your regressing. It's time Reverend Al took a hard look at the anger he lets spew from his pulpit. Since he's ineffective, he's pretty much a bag of wind.

Now all is not lost Reverend Al! You have a great example right in your midst in Dr. Alvita King, (Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece). She has a message that'll work, and if you open your ears and shut you mouth, you could be part of the success. You've chosen to dismiss her because your letting your ego get in the way of your message. She has the cure, and she lives her message everyday. She preaches love, non-violence, faith and education. She demands people become accountable to themselves and to the Lord for their circumstances. That my friend is the key to success. And in that spirit, I still love you......

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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