Sunday, January 9, 2011

Accepting Accountability!

Generally I'll let any breaking news play out for a couple of days before I opine with my two cents worth, but today is an exception. Yesterday a horrible situation played out in Arizona, that left six people dead and several hospitalized. Included in the wake of that disaster was the death of a federal judge and the wounding of a congresswoman. As tragic as that was, and let me take this time to ask everyone to remember all those involved in their prayers, this post is about what ensued after.

Adversity reveals character, or lack thereof!

There were several politicians who were quick to respond to this devastating act and assign blame. Now I don't know what caused this character flaw, if it was guilt, or just a flat out lack of accountability, but it reeks of immaturity. Fingers were pointed at Fox News, and the Tea Party as being directly responsible for this individual's action. Let's address those allegations...

If Congress enacts an unpopular bill, take healthcare for instance, that 2/3's of the nation does not want, is it the reporting of the facts by a news organization that is to blame for reprisals, or the actions of those who forced the legislation down the throats of the American people? Did Paul Revere cause the battle with the British that followed that historic ride, or was it the reaction to the tyranny imposed by the British Crown? Accepting accountability for tyranny imposed on those who granted you leadership, is part of the job of the leader. It's not a news organizations fault for your actions. The are simply doing their job, informing the people.

If a political movement peacefully reacts to a Congress that refuses to listen to the people who granted them the authority to govern, it's a right granted by the Constitution. Amendment 1 states in part, "or the right for the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The blame of reaction toward legislators doesn't lie on the response toward the actions of Congress, but with the Congress itself. You made your bed, it's not popular with the people, don't assign blame elsewhere.

The reaction of those politicians who assigned blame for this tragedy to anyone but the shooter and his accomplices, is reacting in fear of accountability. The Tea Party or Fox News are no more accountable for the actions of this twisted individual than pencils and pens are to blame for bad spelling. This event has exposed a select few who have no business in leadership positions. A lack of accountability exposes character flaws, and a certain immaturity that has no place in government, or any position of leadership. Leaders hold themselves accountable, period!

Now who should be held accountable for this ugly disregard of the law? Was it the gun laws, the ammunition, the gun dealer, his Mommy, his upbringing, or did his Daddy ignore him? None of the above! The shooter was emotionally immature and couldn't properly handle his anger, he had no sense of right and wrong, and deserves no pity. He and if he had any accomplices, should be held responsible for his actions and dealt with by the full extent of the law, and quickly to insure there are no copycats brought on by exposure. It's simply unacceptable social behavior, and cannot be tolerated.

Fear not politicians, your not directly responsible for this lunatic's actions. You absolved of your guilt, so there is no need to point fingers. You do have some damage control to do though. We all saw your character flaws!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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