Sunday, February 28, 2010

Be a Teacher!

Just to touch on yesterday's theme, part of the problem in Washington is we the voter's, settle. If a candidate offered by the parties isn't representative of your core principles, complaints need to be made. I always ask myself, Does this person exude the character, integrity, platform, and ideals that represent me? After all, your the employer and they are a direct reflection of you. If you were interviewing for a personal assistant, someone who'd handle all of your affairs and be in constant contact with your friends and family, would the elected official your voting for be considered?

From the dog catcher to the president, if that person is employed by your vote, they need to be scrutinized in this manner. Each one of them handles a portion of your finances, they represent you in public, they mirror your views, and reflect your character. Now with those parameters, who currently in office is qualified to hold their position?

I propose we've been less that diligent in our choices, and the result is obvious. If the menu of choice is absent of someone to fit our taste, we need to complain to the management. There are over 100 members of the progressive caucus in Washington, that's just about 25% of the population of the White House and Congress. Are we really a nation that 1/4 of the population doesn't believe in the Constitution or the principles of our founding fathers? Or is it we've become complacent in our choices at the ballot box, inadvertently voting in representatives that reflect socialism and cradle to grave entitlement policies? I believe strongly in the latter.

This progressive thinking isn't just an infection of the democrats. It doesn't discriminate between parties, it's probably one of the few bi-partisan ideals in Washington. I'll betcha the bulk of the population believes that the progressive agenda represents progress. If the voters were informed of the real agenda, they'd treat these candidates like lepers. So as responsible employers it's our duty to not only be informed, but to educate others!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. How I see it.

    Do we let a shoe salesman sell us shoes that are to small for our feet doesn't make sense .
    WAIT!!! some of do that because they look good so we think, we know better.
    In time they begin to hurt our feet
    But we bought them and can't return them, we're stuck with them for now.
    Did we learn a lessen?

    Thank you for your time.

    ...............................I MAN
