Thursday, February 25, 2010


Once again I sit at this keyboard to address the absurd actions played out in Washington. Congress has decided to parade the upper management of the Toyota corporation in front of a panel to uncover their recall problems. So I have to ask...Where is that authority written in the Constitution? Who on that panel has an inkling of the knowledge necessary to discuss automotive engineering? And since our government has a financial interest in competitive automakers, isn't this totally inappropriate?

First, let's address the conflicting interest issue. My first mentor when I entered the field of management impressed upon me these immortal words. "When in a position of authority, it's imperative to be above reproach." In English that suggests there should never be a question in your integrity. Every action you take should reflect the character of your position. With that in mind, is it proper for Congress, to question a competitor of General Motors and Chrysler, while having a financial interest in those companies? Nope!

Now, to the experience issue. If your going to be the overseeing authority demanding answers as to why a vehicle failed, shouldn't you have a working knowledge of how an automobile is designed, and operates? I'll bet my castle that there isn't one politician on the panel who could change his own oil, let alone understand the workings of an electronically controlled engine. I'm particularly passionate about this part of this issue as I believe most of these claims are invented, here's why.

As a younger man I was an ASE (Automotive Service Excellence), certified mechanic. So I do have a working knowledge of engines. A gas engine needs fuel, air, compression, a spark applied at the proper time to run. The fuel and spark timing are supplied by the computer system, which derives it's information from sensors throughout the engine and exhaust. Now here's the key, the air necessary to make the fuel fired is metered by a flap that is manually controlled by the operator's foot pressure applied to the gas pedal. This is the main determining factor on the revolutions per minuet of the engine, or how fast it can go. Without air the computer system can supply all the fuel and advance the timing as much as it wants, but the engine cannot accelerate without the additional air. So to suggest it's an electronic problem causing the vehicles to speed off out of control is ludicrous. Only the introduction of more air can allow the car to go faster, hence it's a faulty air delivery system (gas pedal linkage or cable), causing this issue.

The fact that the same Lexis that a tearful testifier complained to Congress ran off out of control, was sold to another family that has put an additional 27,000 trouble free miles, suggests what? Well, perhaps the operator panicked? Personally I would have handled that situation one of two ways....Turn off the key and apply the emergency brake, or simply put the vehicle in neutral and applying the foot brake. Both accomplish charge of the situation and suggest the driver is actually in control of the vehicle, and their responses. Someone who chooses to bring this issue to Congress as a terror ridden experience, hints to me that a great deal of the terror was brought on by panic and a failure to have a handle on both their actions and emotions.

So we have a governing authority who is overseeing something they have no knowledge of, thereby drawing conclusions based on flawed information obtained by uninformed questioning. Add into that they are usurping their authority to even hold these hearings, and the fact it's inappropriate to be holding Toyota accountable because they have a financial relationship with it's competition. This is what our government has morphed into. Thomas Jefferson and company must be spinning in their graves! Congress has no business questioning steroid use, car company recalls, college playoff systems, or anything that does not involve upholding our Constitution or protecting our borders, period! It's a waste of taxpayer's money and an abuse of authority!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. ((WHAT! WAIT!)) up hold the CONSTITUTION when do they have time to do that??

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
