Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Like Rats off a Sinking Ship!

Has anyone else noticed democratic politicians are falling by the wayside? Some have retired, some have been recalled by their maker, some just choose to not run for office again. In any case it's been a tad rough to be a democrat of late. I also find it interesting this phenomenon hasn't affected the other side of the isle. Nary a republican has fallen by the wayside, in fact one democrat has jumped the fence and joined the republican party. It's quite the cause for wonder!

As they depart most complain the partisan bickering is quite intolerable. The democratic party would have you believe that's between the two parties, but I think it's a little deeper. First of all the democrats control both houses of Congress, and can pass anything they desire without the cooperation of the republican's vote. So that complaint is just a moot point. I feel the divide is partisan in nature but coming from within the democratic party itself. The extreme liberal left is off on an agenda that the traditional democrats just can't agree with. Those democrats of our father's generation are diametrically opposed to the direction this administration is headed. They see their love for the common blue collar voter, trumped by a move toward a European socialism, polar opposite of the Constitutional principles they took an oath to uphold. So rather than stand and fight for the platform the democrats have believed in for centuries, they just slink away, bowing to the pressure of the extreme left.

Here's my problem, aside from the obvious blaming of the other party when it's an internal issue. They are screaming fire after they've burned the house down. Where was the dissent when they were voting for healthcare and cap and trade? Personally I wouldn't want my name affixed to any of the dismantling of the republic our fore father's bequeathed us. Really, is that how you want history to remember you? Before you cower away, fix your mess! I have no problem with you stepping aside so we can find leaders with backbone to replace you. There is a movement in this country to get back to our founding principles, and frankly, your just in it's way. But do history a favor and remove your support from the attempt to ruin this country!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. The liberal, dem r rats and progressives think the AMERICAN people are stupid.

    How I see it there right I'm stupid because I can think for my self.

    Now ( I think ) I'm going help get some of them kicked out.

    Will you help me with that ??

    Thank you for your time.

    ..........................I MAN
