Friday, February 19, 2010

Today's Seminar!

This morning I'm packing my bags for the first TEAM leadership convention of 2010. While I'm not looking forward to the temperatures and the threat of snow in St. Louis this weekend, I am excited for the information that'll be passed on from successful entrepreneurs, six figure income earners with the "fruit on the tree." I've always loved the heart of the TEAM, there aren't many venues you can leave your valuables on your seat, surrounded by thirty thousand people, and return to find everything still there. That speaks volumes, and encourages me that there is still much good in our great nation. Three days of that kind of association can't help a human to want to be a better person. My cup will be overflowing with great information upon my return!

It's inspiring to see the age diversification. Parents realize early on the value of the TEAM's principles and how important it is to have their teens in that association. Let's be honest, there is a lot of, less than desirable influences, out there. Many come right from with in the family unit itself! It's refreshing to see young and old, people of every race and religion, from countries all over the world, join together and learn leadership and people skills. The value of being involved with TEAM/MONA VIE far outreaches the monetary rewards.

It's exciting to see those people in attendance light up with renewed hope in these questionable times. It's inspiring to spend time with leaders of character and integrity, unlike the poor excuses for leadership we send to Washington. It's safe to say the whole experience is polar opposite of the daily grind. These people are different, but in a good way. They offer hope and answers, they exude character and integrity, they, my friends, are the example.

How often have you had a multi-millionaire discuss with you financial principles, then apply them to your situation? When was the last time people shared people skills with you? How often have you thought about our role in the relationships in your life? What was the last time you read a book that changed your life? Who was the last person that was concerned about your health outside your physician? Have you ever seen thirty thousand people recite the Pledge of Allegiance, or join in a non-denominational prayer? It sends chills up your spine! This and real hope, is what my journey this weekend is all about!

I'll be the first to admit it's not for everyone. Sometimes I'm amazed at people. They complain, but refuse to take steps to improve their situation. We offer incomes that'd make a lawyer or a doctor take a hard look. In fact we have doctors and lawyers who've left their professions to do this! And there are no special skills or complicated training involved, just the want to do better and the ability to copy, ("C" students excel at this), copy a proven system, and listen to the advice of successful people. We have no ceiling on your income potential, and it discriminates against no one, the only one who determines your level of success is the person in the mirror each morning, you! You can finally have control over your life, your relationships, your health ,and your income. If I've peaked your curiosity, check out the link on the right of the page.

Seems I've drifted off here into a seminar. I best save the rest for my next Tuesday night open!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Can we sign up Tiger I think he need the TEAM more then he needs rehab.
    WAIT!! the TEAM is the reheb he needs.

    T hank you for your time.
    ..............................I MAN
