Saturday, February 27, 2010

We're Being Wrangled!

Today I stand in awe of the incredibly bad behavior consistently displayed by the poor excuse for leadership in Washington. Before I get too much further I'd better issue this disclaimer. I'm not now nor never have been a fan of Rep. Charlie Rangel democrat from the state of New York. In fact in my opinion the quicker he's locked behind bars, the safer this nation will become.

Now that I have that off my chest. Rep. Rangel is chairman of the tax law writing committee. So one might assume he has a working grasp of the tax laws and that you have to actually pay taxes on your income. Not so much. Rangel is forever being investigated for question deductions and income or property over sites being excluded from his returns. To date little or nothing has been done about this behavior. But his latest antics are just too much to swallow.

Rangel accepted a trip, all expenses paid, to the Caribbean, from powerful a lobby group. That's a no-no, Charlie. After the investigation he was admonished by the Ethics Committee. Instead of admitting his error and asking forgiveness, Rep. Rangel decided to make this statement." Common sense would dictate that members of Congress should not be held responsible for the wrong doing or the mistakes or errors of staff, unless there is reason to believe, that the member (Him), knew or should have known."

Excuse me for a second while I collect my breath......... Balderdash! Once again this at large convict is caught breaking the rules , and refuses to accept responsibility! Charles....just who is responsible for the actions of your staff? Who hired them? Your trying to tell us after the decades you've spent in Congress you don't know enough to ask who paid for this junket? You've been there since 1971.

We, the American people, will not accept your excuses justifying bad behavior, yet again. Accept responsibility for your actions, step outside your crooked comfort zone and show just a tad of leadership. In my eyes your a tax cheat, ethically challenged, and leadership impaired. If John Q. Public had committed these offenses they'd be serving jail time. Yet you sit as the Chair of the tax law writing committee. It's impossible for me to fathom why your not in a federal prison as I type these words.

Now, I have to ask; New York, is this the best representative you can find to send to Washington? How many times does Rangel have to embarrass your state? What indiscretion does it take to get unseated as an elected official in your state? Just how many excuses are one too many? As voters, you too bear responsibility for the actions of your officials. After all you hired him, and his staff. We as a nation need to accept responsibility for our choices too! Demand better, accept no less.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

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