Friday, February 12, 2010

American Pride!

Well, my heart is filled with joy this morning, you see the phone rang last night about 6:30 and my son was on the other end when I answered. He was calling to inform me that he and his unit of brave men and women were back on US soil, returning from their year long deployment in Afghanistan. I'm not sure anyone but a parent or a spouse can understand the relief that phone call administered.

The highlight of the long journey was brought on by complete strangers. Their trek began in Afghanistan where they took a junket flight to Kuwait. From Kuwait they boarded a plane to Germany, then on to New Hampshire. Upon arrival in New Hampshire the entire unit was greeted by 250 complete strangers, cheering and waving American flags. Apparently it's a program these patriots have devised, as their airport is the entry point for soldiers returning from overseas. They served beverages and food and make the troops feel welcome back home. It's amazing because none of the family members knew if and when the unit would return, but somehow these wonderful people get the info and are there to be the first to express their gratitude. The Sarge said they were all overwhelmed with emotion to receive such a hero's welcome before boarding their flight on to Ft. Bliss, El Paso, Texas for dismissal sometime this week.

That my friends is the spirit that our country was founded upon, and the giving that keeps this country great. I'm sure they feel their sacrifice is small compared to the sacrifice our troops make, but I hope they understand how important their work is. Imagine you've been away from the country and the people you love for over a year. You return to America, happy and relieved to out of the danger, set to face another unfamiliar airport after a long series of flights and layovers. You look forward to arriving at the fort you left from yearning for some familiarity, but first this layover in a state you've likely never even visited. I'd imagine your looking to fulfill your longing to eat some of our fast food, and make phone calls to announce your arrival. Then there they stand, the welcoming committee! Flags waving, hands clapping, the cheering, and the smiles, all from strangers who took the time out of their evening to say, Thanks! I hope they know what gratifying work they do!

Now it's my turn to say thanks. Thanks, for reminding those soldiers what a great spirit the country they defend has. Thanks, for being the comfort we can't yet be for our loved ones. Thanks, for being the example of patriotism and civic duty. Thanks to the soldiers we deployed who risk their lives, so we don't have to. Thanks, for defending our freedom and keeping us safe. Thanks, for your unselfish act. And lastly Thank God, for the safe return of all of you. The brothers and sisters, the sons and daughters, the fathers and daughters, and the nephews and nieces we lent to keep freedom free.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. GOD! bless AMERICA!

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
