Friday, October 2, 2009

Wasn't Me!

One of the major philosophy differences between the right and the left in Washington is accountability. The left puts a spin on it, and the right believes man is flawed and makes mistakes. The left never blames the person, it blames the situation or the thing. Example: Gun violence, a gun caused the problem , not the person who pulled the trigger. Therefore we legislate the gun and hold it accountable, not the individual who abused it. The right knows man can sin, the gun cannot. The left vilifies the gun and leaves the user as victim of the weapon, not accountable for his or her actions.

You can apply this to many issues. Take contraception for instance. Instead of teaching abstinence in school, they hand out contraception. Theory being, humans cannot control themselves nor be accountable so the cure is "controlling" their actions, instead of modifying behavior, and teaching accountability. Once again man is the victim of his circumstance not his actions.

Welfare, man cannot be accountable for his economic situation, so they subsidize it. Rather than demand people be responsible, and earn a living, government aids his or her idleness. There are exceptions but the majority can contribute. The balance should be aided by community charity, not the government teat.

Health care! Do I need to go there? Same principle. The good news is this is all repairable, but first we need accountability in Washington. Examples begin with leadership. So it's our responsibility to elect competent leadership who understands man is flawed. Man makes mistakes, ever since we got kicked out of Eden, it's been a pattern. We need to adjust our behavior not vilify the circumstance or the "thing". Stand up and be a shining example of accountability, and demand the same from Washington!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Accountable Of Course the Democrats Are look how Corrupt there are no one Care?
    That is why they keep getting elected by corrupt everyday citizen.
    Corrupt cause they sell there votes to the highest bidder along with there FREEDOM!"
    How can we have accountability in Washington when the voters are the ones WHO are CORRUPT!"

    Thank you for your time.
    ...............................I MAN
