Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Government + Usurpng Authority = Financial Chaos

Do you know where the majority of your taxes go? It's to fix everything the government got it's nose into. Let's look at the economy, a pretty big issue now a days. What created this recession? Well, let's see....Washington decided to help out low income voters by making it easier to purchase a home. (I've searched the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, still can't find that in the job description). They then lowered the interest rates to aid the lower credit standards,(Again don't see that as something our founding fathers had in mind for them to do). They took government created entities (Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, also outside their job description), bundled up these faulty mortgages and sold them to wall street. Just to totally screw our economy up they legislated the Mark to Market policy. (That means things are worth whatever the market will pay for them and nothing more). This took all of Wall Street's investments in these mortgage bundles and made them worthless, collapsing the financial market and banking industry.

Are you following me here? Notice the common denominator. Now to fix the screw up they bailed out the financial industry at your expense. (Again something AWOL from their job description). The collateral damage of these moves ruined the financial arms of the auto industry, (GMAC etc). Creating a problem for auto makers. Well heck, the government screwed it up, they should bail them out, no? No..........Again not their job description.

Now we leap into the present...Healthcare costs are out of control. Guess why? Government created programs, Medicare and Medicaid are going bankrupt, so..... The government is going to "fix" health care. Anybody else have a problem with this? Or is it just me.....? Anybody want to bet me insurance companies have financial trouble in their future? I'll give you odds! I'm also willing to wager that'll require a bail out too!

Bottom line,(thanks for the quote Biden) the common denominator is the government. Let me ask you. Do any of these problems exist if not for government intervention? Would it be reasonable to assume if we remove the government from the equation the result changes? How about WE THE PEOPLE, demand government stops usurping it's authority and do it's job as outlined by our founding fathers! Speak loudly my friends, there is another crisis on the horizon, and it'll come out of your pocket to fix it!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Well as usual no one will be accountable for the problem they have created as long as they have the goose the laid the golden excuse.
    BUSH" and when it's not BUSH" they always find someone/something they can pass it on to.
    This is accountability from our great leaders in Washington, like a 5 year old pass the buck".
    Im tired of this lets fix it in 2010 and lets call them to say good bye".
    202) 224-3121

    Thank you for your time.
    ...................................I MAN
