Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Land of Opportunity!

America, the land of opportunity! How sad is it when you can't make it in the land of opportunity? I mean really, people float here on tires just for the chance that they'd have a chance. Those people understand the value of freedom and opportunity that some of us take for granted. Just think about it for a second...They abandon free health care for opportunity and freedom. Seriously, they leave a progressive liberal's utopia where income is redistributed and everyone is on a level playing field, (except the dictator and his cronies), and health care is free! In some cases they brave shark infested waters hell bent on getting their feet on American soil where they will surely be arrested and incarcerated. They seek asylum from the policies that some in Washington are steering our country toward.

We on the other hand complain because health care isn't free. We complain because our unemployment check is too low or doesn't last long enough. We complain because there aren't enough jobs or we can't afford a house. We complain because we've plunged ourselves into credit card debt. We complain because people who work hard are compensated too much in our eyes. We complain when business makes money, because it had to do it at our expense, after all we are entitled to our share of the fruits of their labor. We complain about our poor, the people on welfare, who enjoy a higher standard of living than the average European.

Here's what we don't complain about. We don't complain there is a Burger King,
Mc Donald's, or a Wendy's on every other corner and even the lowest income citizen can afford to eat there whenever they choose. We don't complain about food shortages here, in fact we are the most well fed population in the world.We don't complain we can worship freely. We don't complain we have the right to assemble and free speech. We don't complain we have electricity and running water and good sanitation.

Our nation was founded on the back of hard work and with the belief we'd be compensated for that hard work. We've trading hard work for entitlements and complaining. We can't make it in the land of opportunity! Yet people who understand the value of opportunity face overwhelming odds to come for everything we complain about. Maybe those who are complaining should look to create their own opportunity in this fertile environment. We don't need to change the country, just our perspective.

God Bless
Capt. Bill


  1. I wrote half a book commenting on this subject today but some time your point is lost when your comment is to long.
    So I deleted what I my first comment I wrote and made it directed to the point.


    Please add to this list but these are the top reason why some sheep complain.

    SHEEP DOGS" keep your eyes on the sheep for the WOLF is taking them one by one.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...............................SHEEP DOG I MAN

  2. I read some of your posts and I enjoyed reading them. Thank you for sharing. I'll keep on visiting your blog and hope to read more topics and informations!
