Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.......

Everyone faces challenges in their life! It doesn't matter if your addicted to coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, Internet, sex, chocolate. It's the same for obesity, credit card debt, relationship problems, anorexia, spouse abuse, depression, child abuse, or whatever your problem might be. Stand up and go to the bathroom, turn on the light, look into the mirror and say," Mirror, mirror on the wall, I'm the biggest problem of all." Now that you've introduced yourself to the problem, and identified it, it's not hard to repair! Remember the success, or lack of it you currently enjoy, is a direct result of the decisions you've made to date.

Step one, relationship building! It's time you built an honest relationship with yourself. No more passes or excuses. To solve the issues you face you have to quit rationalizing and justifying your actions. Hold yourself accountable, no more lying to yourself. You wouldn't let others get away with lying to you, why do you accept this from yourself? Phrases like..."Just this once. Nobody will know. I deserve this. I'll make up for it later." are your biggest enemy, and a total red flag. Master yourself and we can move forward....

Define your goal. Where do you want to be in life? Write it down and set it in stone. If you've not mapped out your path, your as far as you're going to get. You wouldn't leave the house without a destination, why ramble through life that way? Break the long term goal down into smaller goals designed with the end in mind. Soon you'll find those challenges listed above become a distraction to your quest. They'll be dismissed from your life as they don't help you win the prize. Properly focused you can ignore the temptation of distraction without a second thought. As they say in the commercial, "Stay on the line!"

Find someone who has what you want. Learn all they know. Mentorship or association with like minded people is the key to moving forward. Keep the company of positive people, they are encouragers, and strong supporters. Birds of a feather flock together! You'll find associations that don't forward you toward the prize will fade away, it's not a bad thing, they just don't fit into your plan, and have become obstacles that hold you back.

Now that you have direction and encouragement, decide what it'll take to get where you want to be, and do the work! Decide what it'll cost and pay the price! Honesty + a goal + action = success!

Finally there are no shortcuts. Success never goes on sale! If your not moving forward with the end in mind, your moving farther away from your goal. Ask yourself when undecided," Does this bring me closer to my prize?" It's like rowing uphill, and it all begins with you!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. For most people is not what they thing they are that holds then back"
    It's what they think they're not"
    RESPECT" your" self".

    Thank you for your time.
    ...............................I MAN
