Friday, October 16, 2009


I came across some philosophy and quotes the other day while reading I thought I'd share. The first one is from Dr. Martin Luther King.King sought to change the context in which all Negroes lived, to change the reality itself. King being a realist, the reality simply was. The individual was primary, not the "community"; either the community would be uplifted in the process of thousands, millions, of individuals achieving their personal best, or it would be left behind.

Isn't that powerful? A rising tide lifts all ships, so to speak. I'm amazed how far we've drifted from King's philosophy. It seems we are now guided by Star Trek's Dr. Spock's line from a movie. "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of a few." If we protect the individual and gather personal greatness the "community" can't help but follow suite? We've adopted a socialist mentality of late that moves us toward the good of the people. This ends with personal victory and success being lost in the herd. If one individual can rise above, isn't it in fact true the rest can also? Communities never raise the bar, individual success does.

This quote comes from a speech Condoleezza Rice gave to the graduates of the University of Alabama in 1994, " As an educated person, you have the tools to change your own circumstances for the better wherever you find them stifling and along the way to change the lives of others too. But you have to believe- like many who had less reason to have faith in tomorrow but nonetheless did- that the locomotive of human progress is individual will. And then you have only to act on it, confident you will succeed."

The power of learning is the key to individual success. A series of individual successes is the key to community well being. The welfare of our nation is based on correct information learned and applied. I'm preaching to the choir here because all of my readers share a commonality to want to learn. Pay that forward and inspire others to follow. We can defeat the herd mentality and become the America of innovation and success we need to be!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Funny how we look back at our lives and said to our selves I should have.
    I should have gone to work early,
    I should have put gas in the car at the last exit.
    I should have taken that job.
    I should have listen more.
    I should have read the instruction first.
    I should have called.
    I should have, I should have, I should have, etc, get the idea.
    I think I should put down the remote turn off the TV and see what is going on around me.
    Now that you turn of the TV are you surprise to see what is really happening around you.
    Guess what it's been going on around you for as long as you had the TV on.
    TV the "kryptonite" to KNOWLEDGE.

    Quote by I MAN
    Judging a book by it's cover crates the illusion of knowledge.

    We are in the information age not the agrarian age.
    I was in the stone age until I happen to meet a man called ORRIN WOODWARD.
    This man has changed my life for what I see as beyond for the better.
    I didn't happen over night but little by little I start.
    I started reading just 15 min. a day then 30/ 60/ 2hr. now I read as much as possibly some time I read a book in one sitting 6-10hrs.
    Now I see what is going on around me thanks to ORRIN WOODWARD and THE CAPTAIN.
    I put the remote down and don't have a TV anymore.
    Yes you won't die if you don't have a TV as a matter of fact you begin to live better/more.
    AS ORRIN saids when your hungry you eat when your trusty you drink but what do you feed your mind/brain hummmmmm.
    Read/listen to feed your brain/mind.
    Educate your self no one else will do it for you.
    KNOWLEDGE is power iron sharpen iron.
    The CAPTAIN is a well of IRON there is IRON in every word he said can you see the IRON??
    Now I don't say as much I SHOULD HAVE.
    Now I say I will, Im going to, I DID"!
    Thank you ORRIN"
    Thank you CAPTAIN"
    Oh yeah thank you PASTOR DICKIE .

    Thank you for you time.
    ................................I MAN
