Monday, October 26, 2009

And The Week Begins!

Everybody wants to be thin, few like to diet. Everyone loves a beautiful garden, not many will take the time to pull the weeds to make it happen. Everybody want to be wealthy, few will do the work and be disciplined enough to get there. One of the keys to success is discipline!

Discipline and motivation go hand in hand. It's darn near impossible to be disciplined enough to follow through on the routine you need to stick to if your motivation is lacking. You have to know why, and want it bad enough to stick to that diet, or live within your means.

Take going to work on a Monday morning like this. It's fair to say that most aren't exactly fired up about beginning the new week. Change the motivation to a trip to Hawaii or somewhere that you'd love to visit and you'll find yourself springing out of bed whistling a tune. The difference? Motivation! It's something you want to do.

Set goals daily. Begin with the end in mind. Motivate yourself to be disciplined enough to be successful at what ever the goal. Truth be told, "If hard work were the key to success, most people would pick the lock." (William Gladstone). So you have to have a why. Given that why, your attitude toward the discipline required to succeed is lifted to the task at hand. Have a happy Monday!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Attitude isn't everything,
    It's the difference maker.
    .............................JOHN MAXWELL
    Success comes before work only in the dictionary. ?

    Thank you for your time.
    .................................. I MAN
