Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I'm having an issue with our President and his delay of sending more troops to Afghanistan. Here are his options, as I've been told. Move in with 40,000 additional troops to sure up the forces in the North, South, East, and West, and use 15,000 of them to train Afghan army and police. His optional plan is to send just 15,000 troops to train Afghans.

I absolutely have a problem with whom is advising him on this decision, Biden and Kerry. They insist there is a stable non corrupt government in place prior to committing more forces. Let's look at that option.

Afghanistan is like a playground, they have a bully, the Taliban. If the USA moves in and runs off the bully, he just returns after we leave. Anyone who supported the USA will be dealt with harshly by the returning bully. You'll never get committed cooperation from the Afghans without permanent removal of the bully. Only then will they feel comfortable with democracy and freedom. Right now Afghans know their freedom exists only as long as the American forces keep the bully at bay. It's not complicated, we all learned this growing up. The message we send lacks commitment to their cause. Afghans will bow to whoever shows the might, as they are going to have to live under their oppression. It's survival instinct.

Afghans have never experienced true freedom. They feel they live under a giant rock of tyranny that will fall and crush them at any moment. In fact, the exact moment we leave. Our President waffling isn't doing anything but reinforcing their fears, and they are justified. If we abandon them the bully returns and life becomes hell.

Afghans need to feel the comfort of true freedom, no strings attached to overcome eons of oppression. America earned their freedom, it's why we hold it so dear and fight for it everywhere. Afghans can't visualize that.

Wikipedia tells us that although education is improving most Afghans are illiterate. The female population has been denied education forever. They have no organized form of government. They are a bigger challenge than Iraq as they lack basically everything to be a successful nation. A classic example of tyranny in action. You can't miss what you don't know.

So the clear path is to remove the bully first. Don't expect the people to understand the needs of freedom, this will be a learning process. Develop leaders through education, only then will the country survive on it's own. Don't expect them to appreciate democracy until they've learned what it is and had a taste of true freedom. It's going to take a while to get the infrastructure in place. They are eons behind compliments of oppression, and tyranny. We're working with a primitive nation, short on morals, and education. They have a lot of learning and growing to do. Let's begin that process by stabilizing the country first. Send the troops Mr President, and the message we are committed to these people.

A sad note to add, Eleven more US soldiers died in service to their country today in Afghanistan. Their base was over run because they didn't have enough personel. How much longer are you going to wait Mr President? How many more lives are going to be wasted while your undecided?

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. SENSELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tell them what you think.

    Thank you for you time.
    ......................................I MAN
