Friday, October 23, 2009

Grandma Said.........

Today I'd like to speak to integrity and honesty. I'm going to aim my message at the left wing liberals in this great country, particularly the people. They've enlisted actress Heather Graham in their most recent attack on citizens who hold an opinion against government run health care. In the ad they say "over 70% of Americans are in favor of a government run healthcare option." There is no such poll or survey. Facts are the most recent Rasmussen poll tells us 54% of Americans oppose the government run option, with 42% approving of it. Shame on you move-on...Granny always said if you have to lie to people to influence their opinion, you've got the wrong cause.

That's not the only underhanded move liberals have used of late. Sara Palin is about to release her book titled "Going Rogue". Now in an attempt to discredit the former governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential candidate, the editors of the left leaning weekly publication "The Nation", are releasing a book titled "Going Rouge" on the same date with an eerily similar cover.

I've have to ask. What are liberals afraid of this woman for? Is there no end to the treachery they will stoop to? Why would anyone align themselves with such deceit?

Yesterday the White House tried to deny freedom of the press granted to us by our founding fathers and blackball Fox News from participating in press interviews with Obama's pay czar, Kenneth Feinberg. Thankfully the other news organizations banded together and refused to interview him unless Fox was allowed to participate. Even the liberal media understood it was time to grow a spine and stand for our rights. Just because the White House doesn't like the way their events are reported by Fox, does not grant them the right to censor them. The White House conceded.

Is anyone else concerned with this behavior? This all speaks volumes to the underhandedness and lack of integrity rampant inside the liberal cause. No wonder they don't want religion anywhere near them. Morality is obviously absent in their ideaology. Apparently they are busy serving their agenda not serving the voting public.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Move on this is one organization of people I truly feel sorry for.
    They are like children starving for attention so much that they make up lies to get that attention.
    Move on, move on and stop telling fairy tails and crying now go back to your septic tank where you come from.
    Yeah I said it septic tank it's only a fact.
    WHAT! you didn't know that now you do thank me.

    SARA PALIN she is like the scary monster under the beds of liberal.
    THERE" SCARED! of her, because she has everything they don't and never will have.
    SARA PALIN is the definition of Positive Character, Integrity, Accountability, believe in GOD and Prays, and most of all she LOVE AMERICA unlike the libs aka communist so they can't have anyone like her get any power of influence.

    Thank you for your time.
    ................................I MAN
