Saturday, October 10, 2009

Money Tree, Very Pretty, but the Fruit isn't so Sweet!

Can you imaging having a money tree in the back yard? At any time you can waltz outside and pick hundred dollar bills to solve your financial needs. Let's add this to the mix, you're also able to walk around the neighborhood and remove money legally from the residents wallets to solve your financial problems. With this being the case, would you ever need to borrow money? Welcome to our Federal Government! We have the ability to tax the nation, print money at will, and yet we go outside our country to borrow money to monetize the debt.

We are an out of control nation. Let's look at the figures.....

In 1900 the federal government cost was less than 5% of the countries economic output.
1950 saw it increase to 15%
1999 it stood at 19%
and as of 2009 the cost to taxpayers is 28.1% of our total economic output and climbing.

Pssst it's not inflation! It's growth of government programs and an ever expanding control. Our representatives in Washington produce nothing but debt. There is no return on our dollar. We're investing in hot air!

We need to demand politicians who will adhere to the following. There are very few in Washington today who qualify to do this.

Balance the budget.
Audit every federal agency and cut the waste.
Only finance bare bones government, no frills.
We the People, define what essential is, not special interests.
Ensure our politicians place America's future first by imposing term limits.

We are going to face hyper inflation without immediate action. Your investments will be worth squat.If we hurry we can shut the barn door before all the horses get out. We need to speak as one and the time is now!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. COMRADES how are we going to achieve socialism if we don't bankrupp our economi.
    Comrades first we collapse the dollar and the rest is easy.
    Next we declare an EMERGEENCY!" and change the constitution and make it a socialist constitution.
    Now you can go to work for the good of the state.
    Now you have every thing your neighbor has or your neighbor has every thing you have.
    Wake up before it's to late"
    (( 202/ 224-3121))
    Let me tell you how it will be here's 1 for you 19 for me cause Im the Government.
