Sunday, January 29, 2012

When Opportunity And Need Collide!

The idea behind the Leadership Conventions we involved with the Team/Life opportunity attend is to guide us into the information we need to make better choices as leaders. It's an absolutely incredible experience to associate with tens of thousands of like minded people possessed with the intention of self improvement. It's such a radical idea, we've created a business model around it! I heard one of the most powerful quotes this weekend that describes efficiently why people are so attracted to this business.

"I sell and promote a product all day in my business. What attracted me to the Team/Life opportunity is I'm not pushing a product, I'm spreading the truth."

That my friends is a powerful summation of precisely what we do! Anyone in attendance this weekend can avow, it a very popular idea! Well time to hop in the shower and continue this opportunity to associate with others who share the same vision: improvement of a the world, one individual at a time!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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