Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What You Don't Know Does Hurt!

It's interesting that while on this leadership journey the information we discover that somehow got left off the table in the feast of knowledge. For instance, were you ever told that the individuals who reach the top tier of business management, selling, engineering, religious work, writing, acting, and every other pursuit gets there by following conscientiously and continuously a plan for self development and growth? I know I was handed a diploma and told I had completed my education, it was time to go make my way in the world! That couldn't have been further from the truth, the learning had just begun! Here's the kicker...Though I thought I was done learning I was actually being taught by outside sources that I ceded control to, rather than having some say about the input I was receiving. Can that ever be a recipe for a good outcome? Trust me it wasn't. Results improved only when I made the decision to have oversight on what was put into my head as information. I now controlled my destiny.

You see, because I sat before learned individuals I hadn't opted for during the first part of my education life, I fooled myself into believing I had no say about who taught me what. Ergo I drifted in the current of life and allowed whomever to influence my thought process. Can a random education process without purpose ever receive the desired results? Fortunately through God's providence, I got involved in a systematic education process that allows me to choose what areas I want to grow in, and at what speed. The more I found out I didn't know, the hungrier a student I became. Why would I allow someone to have an edge on success when all that stood between me and fortune was a few books and audio recordings? You talk about keeping up with the Jones, this was an opportunity to leave the Jones in the dust!

I'll invite you to scratch that itch called success. Show the Jones' how it's done! Find an education system and take control of your destiny. Grab hold of those who already have the fruit on the tree and harvest that crop! That education system exists in an opportunity called LIFE. Be it by subscription, or becoming part of the distribution end and earning an income as you grow, the fruit is there to be picked. Come be a part of a movement to change the culture of this society to that of a learning one. Learning to be better in the 8F's. Faith, fitness, finance, following, fun, freedom, family, and friends.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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