Thursday, December 22, 2011

One Sentence Says It All!

I've been captured by a sentence in Orrin Woodward's new book "Resolved." While Orrin wrote it to be specific to leadership, a simple addition of a word or two and it points to the answer to just about everything.
et me preface this with a previous quote from the chapter on the art and science of leadership.

"Leaders create culture; culture creates results."

Now here is the sentence that captivates me...

"A culture of execution demands excellence from each individual compelling others to raise their game, not by force, but by the positive peer pressure of a unifying vision backed by the trust in the leaders."

That in itself speaks volumes about what needs to be done to solve the problems our culture faces today. But lets change a few words and see if it leads us to more answers.


A culture of entrepreneurs demands excellence from each individual compelling others to raise their game, not by force, but by the positive peer pressure of a unifying vision backed by the trust in the business environment.


A culture of education demands excellence from each individual compelling others to raise their game, not by force, but by the positive peer pressure of a unifying vision backed by the trust in the educators.


A culture of independence demands excellence from each individual compelling others to raise their game, not by force, but by the positive peer pressure of a unifying vision backed by the trust in the founder's vision.

I could do this all day. Like Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady are found of saying, "Everything rises and falls on leadership." How many applicable statements can you make from this one sentence on leadership? And lastly, how's your leadership journey going? We are all called to leadership, and it maybe sooner than later those skills are desperately needed.....

God Bless
Capt. Bill

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