Sunday, June 19, 2011

What Defines A Father!

I'd be remiss if I didn't expound my thoughts on Father's Day. It's the day we celebrate manhood, as becoming a father transforms a male into a man. Being in possession of a penis is no longer a qualifier to who you are, your now responsible for a child and that child's mother. Too many males leave behind that responsibility and accept the title of "sperm donor." Those are not who we celebrate today. We celebrate the hero's who made the sacrifices and accepted the responsibility of creating and nurturing life. That's what Father's Day is, and is not.

This day is the recognition of the unsung hero's who accepted the title "Dad" as a responsibility to work those endless hours to provide for their children and their mothers. Who made the time to be present at the sports events, plays, choirs, recitals, and oh, so much more. The encouragers who dried the tears of disappointment, fertilized the dreams of their offspring, honored the mothers of their children, kept a roof over our heads, supplied us with diapers and clothes, repaired the bruised egos when things didn't always turn out as planned, helped mend the broken hearts of broken relationships, and finally mentoring, honoring our Lord and Father in Heaven. That's how you define a father, a father is a man.

It's a great honor to be a Dad. Done properly, there is no greater satisfaction. Your children are an extension of you, a message to people you'll never meet. It's a grand idea to remember what message your transferring to those little sponges of information. While the product of your love is never finished, it is a reflection of your journey. Make it a bold and powerful statement, a testament to your leadership. We all know leadership is defined as influence, and those little eyes watch your every move.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

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