Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Little Heaven On Earth!

Before I begin the thought of the day, a gentle reminder that there is a link over there>> to some great wisdom. Best selling authors Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward take time out of their day to share their thoughts and insight. I hope your taking advantage of the musings of successful people with 7, 8, and 9 figure incomes! I've been reading one of Orrin's post about Andrew Jackson's character and principles in the face of adversity, and realizing this is fantastic information they just don't teach in our education system! Now that I've sent you elsewhere, here is my thought of the day.....

We are but seven days away from this election cycle. A chance to recycle Washington and set our country back on track. There is a movement that has consumed our politicians on both sides of the isle, it's known as the progressive movement. It has attracted legislators from both parties that find the idea of progressing our nation further down the road to...What?

Our forefathers bequeathed us....

All men are created equal.
All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Freedom of speech
The right to assemble
The right to bear arms
Freedom of religion
Freedom of the press
The right to vote
The power of the governing is granted by the governed.

So how do we improve on that? What do they hope to progress to?

Utopia, or heaven on earth isn't part of the design. That's the reward for the struggles we face everyday. If we live a life of principle, and value, then an eternity of perfection is granted to us. Trying to evolve into a place where our every needs are met without effort isn't in the plan. Your challenges here on earth are rewarded by the nanny state of heaven, where all your needs are met. This is where we earn our reward. Here is where we prove ourselves worthy.

Progressive's feel that government is the path to utopia. Our founding fathers believed the nation they designed for us is the path to Heaven. Enjoy your freedom and exercise your right to vote next Tuesday. Otherwise we just might progress into a form of hell on earth.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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