Wednesday, October 27, 2010

We Weren't Born Last Night!

Okay, this one sticks in my craw, maybe because I used to own a gas station, but I'm sure it's just because we are being flat out lied to. President Obama went on the attack focusing on the obscene profits collected by Big Oil in America. He insists they don't pay their share of the tax burden, and hints that they are taking advantage of the American people. Just like most everything else that is filtered through Washington, this is a lie.

Big Oil collects on average about twelve cents per gallon profit on the finished product. While they do make billions of dollars, that's because we as Americans consume massive amounts of gasoline. Here's the kicker, the federal government collects 18.4 cent on each and every gallon sold. So whose the profiteer? Now add in your state and local taxes and the government mooches on average 45.9 cents of every gallon purchased at the pumps. Talk about being misled!

I also took exception at a statement made in Florida yesterday promoting the production of Bio-fuels. The speaker was excited because we can find everything from manure to plant matter to process into consumable gasoline to run our automobiles. They insisted that the new industry would produce jobs at new refineries needed to process all this waste into fuel. Now on the outside that seems innocent enough but, there hasn't been a new fossil fuel refinery built in the United States in decades due to strict EPA guidelines making it less than cost effective. Bio-fuels will still be an environmental hazard, is the EPA lowering standards to promote the construction of these new refineries? Why is it cost efficient suddenly to build much needed refineries for Bio-fuels, when it's too costly for fossil fuels? Have we allowed a double standard?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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