Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do! (Revisited)

The liberal view of our system of Capitalism is one of disdain. The left is convinced the greed and corruption of the free market system needs to be kept in check with strict government regulation, if not totally abolished for a socialist, redistribute the wealth government run system.

Here's where I find the hypocrisy. First, those high powered CEO's were educated in business and business ethics in our higher learning institutions. You don't get to that level of corporate America without a degree from a University. Now a survey has revealed that those Universities are staffed by professors who are over 90% liberal when polled. So that brings the question to mind....Who taught them what they know? Where did those business principles they so abhor, come from? Is business ethics taught by the less than 10% of the instruction staff?

Those on the left use Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals," as a consulting handbook, where they are taught the Machiavellian Principle, "The ends justify the means." Yet they continually question the principles of the free market. Can you only use whatever means to get what you want if it's, "your cause?" Is it only acceptable to use unethical or morally bankrupt practices if your promoting "Universal Healthcare," or the "Global Warming" issues?

It appears the pot is calling the kettle black. From where I sit, it's never acceptable to compromise principles, ethics, or morals. You taught what you hate about Capitalism, if not in class, by your actions.

What you do speaks so loudly, what you say I cannot hear.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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