Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Put It In The Hands Of The Communities!

Interestingly enough, Florida has a proposal to eliminate the amendment to restrict class sizes coming up on the November ballot. Administrators, realizing that it's unlikely the amendment will be defeated are scrambling to fill in the shortfalls for the financial penalties imposed if they don't comply. It seems they'll be denied state funding.

So effectively the state is redistributing the wealth of the people by transferring money from taxes collected in high income communities, to those with a lower tax base and higher demand. Which begs the question in my mind, why aren't the individual communities responsible for their own educational funding? Why must the state or the federal government have their say in our children's education?

Perhaps if we limited government involvement, those monuments the erect as learning institutions would be a little more modest. The money would be invested in learning tools rather than amenities like swimming pools. Problems, budgets, and decisions concerning anything are always best solved at the level closest to the need.

It's a simple matter of lowering the money collected and overseen by the state, and increasing the local tax requirements. Then the communities have the means and the say in how their children are educated.

Want to stop this foolishness tomorrow? Enlighten a Florida State Seminole that his hard earned tax money is being used to fund someone at the University of Florida to participate in anything, or visa versa. I insure you it'll cause an uproar heard round the world!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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