Friday, October 29, 2010

Charitable Concepts!

To understand how to deal with unemployment, unaffordable healthcare and any problem faced by the less fortunate in America, I propose we delve into some principles of our forefathers. They believed, and rightfully so.that the answers to social problems lie on the shoulders of the people, not the government. The trip from poverty to prosperity has a formula that involves seven steps. They are all designed to be applied by charitable organizations within the community, not the government.

From the book, "Renewing American Compassion," by Marvin Olasky, here are the seven steps!

Affiliation: Connect people with families and communities that can best relate to them

Bonding: Help people on a one on one basis.

Categorization: Personalize charity according to individual need.

Discernment: Practice responsibility giving; know who you're giving to and why!

Employment: Demand work. "Labor is the life to society, and the beggar who will not work is a social cannibal feeding on that life."

Freedom: This is not the opportunity to do anything with anyone at any time, but is the opportunity to work and worship without governmental interruption.

God: God is compassionate, but demands change.

Powerful stuff! I propose we revisit these ideals and put them into action immediately, lowering the debt ceiling and putting the power of charity back in the hands of the people.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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