Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cancer And History!

If history teaches us nothing else, it should be obvious that Empires deteriorate from the inside out. The United States of America is in a battle right now with a cancer from within. We are trying to overcome the unconquerable law of economics. Simply stated, if expenses are higher than revenues for an extended period of time, there will be negative consequences.

Edward Gibbon wrote in his book "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," that, "Human freedom is the first wish of our heart; freedom is the first blessing of our nature." But people are inclined to shirk individual responsibility and fall prey to tyranny, by expecting more entitlements from government.

How does government fool us to accept freedom's self destruction? They push for intellectual mediocrity, after all, didn't we rely upon them to provide our education? Gibbon also notes that when, "The minds of men were gradually reduced to the same level, the fire of genius was extinguished." After a while in Rome, education became the right of the few, the elite class. Creating a society that seeks to equalize incentives for work, quashing individual exceptionalism. If any of this sounds familiar, it's not by accident. Aren't we now governed by "Ivy League" intellectuals, who are advised by those who taught theory in those same institutions? Or perhaps you've noticed the leveling of the playing field in the work force by union influence sponsored by those same "elitists" running our government?

Rome's decline in "civic vitality" was deceitfully hidden by artfully offering entertainment and freebies a plenty to deflect the discontent of the masses. While Nero fiddled, Rome fell! Feed them, distract them, and they won't notice you've collapsed their economy. Once again, if your finding this eerily familiar, it's not by chance. Aren't two liberal leaning comedians invading the Mall in Washington DC this weekend to distract you from the Progressive agenda? It's a page right out of Roman Emperor Diocletain's playbook!

Hey, I'm not done! You can't convict those promoting this agenda without a full body of evidence. So check out this "coincidence." With Romans distracted with entertainment,and the entitlements flowing exempting the poor from the necessities of labor, corruption was rampant. Class warfare and resentment soon followed. The "haves' were hated and demonized by the "have-nots." Now I'm not one to point out the apparent, but doesn't this sound exactly like the call from the left to tax the upper income citizens and "big corporations", to level the playing field and redistribute the wealth? Add a little voter fraud and mix in some apathy and couldn't this be a description of modern day?

We're mirroring Rome, the Greeks, Spain and other civilizations that became fat and happy, then crashed. George Santayana's said,"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." would be applicable here, if we were even taught the past! I'd be curious to know how many are versed in the decline of the Empires mentioned above!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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