Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yes, Master!

Isn't it interesting how a country once plagued by the ugliness of slavery is reverting right back to the principles we abhor? I'll bet that made your eyes wide open this morning!

Way back when this country was first founded, it was common practice for the big estate owners to maintain a contingency of slave labor. In return for their work for the master, they got fed, clothed, and had their medical issues treated as the owner saw fit. Basically they had cradle to grave entitlements. The only rules were, you bowed to the will of the master, worked like a dog, and didn't run away. You possessed very little personally, and your contribution went toward the good of the plantation.

This was how we treated minorities, and it was soon abolished, because it was deemed inhumane. Does anyone else see the parallel here? Now we are asking the government to be our master, supply us his idea of education, income, healthcare, a place to live, or in a nutshell cradle to grave entitlements. Once upon a time it was deemed inhumane, now we're being fed propaganda that these are our rights!

Do you think Harriet Tubman would have would have risked her life running an underground railroad, to help people escape from slavery, if she knew they'd revert right back to the plantation? When Washington,(the plantation), is empowered to supply you entitlements, you sacrifice your freedom, till the last choice has disappeared. Then finally, without choices, your a slave.

Slavery doesn't discriminate skin color, it thrives on ignorance. All it needs is for you to believe someone else can supply your needs better than you can yourself, and finally, you have to be comfortable with that! Isn't also odd this is coming from a big white house?
So by a raise of hands, who wants to move on to the plantation of entitlements? Better yet, who's making it look inviting to go there? Who has their heels dug in fighting for your freedoms? Now you know who the villain is...................

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. James Brown said it best,
    Have you herd this song if not make it a point to you'll be surprise to hear the words in it, it's an about face of thinking from what's going on today.
    We keep supplying the enemy with the ammo he need to defeat us in the war for our freedom today.
    I'm in a country where corruption rules I think every one in AMERICA should go live in a different country our side the U.S.A. see how you like paradise aka utopia then.
    Yes the people here have their freedom as long as they can pay the right officials for it or know the right officials.
    Me all I have to do is say I'm my fathers son or my brothers is?
    The Corneal or the politician then it's yes sir.
    So if I lose my freedom in the states I still have it here.
    What about you?

    Thank you for your time.
    ............................I MAN
