Monday, March 15, 2010


There are three levels of emotional maturity I was reading about the other day. I thought I'd share some insight to how to evaluate where your at, and hopefully aid you to reach level three, the mind set of the successful!

Level one is called dependence, and it is exactly as described. The level one example thinks in terms of, "me." What can you do for me? How does that help me? Personally I think this level is more of an infection, that spreads through our society, uninhibited. It's the lowest form of emotional maturity for obvious reasons, it's totally selfish. Just the thought of spending anytime trapped in this level makes my skin crawl, but then that's part of my personality. Dependence is like bondage to me, I abhor the loss of freedom it demands to grant control of your life to someone else's whim.

Level two is branded, independent. Your beholding to no one. You think in terms of, "I". "I" will do this. "I" can fix this. "I" am the only one "I" can count on. It's a choleric's dream state, and most people reach some level of this, and stop. While it's a mountain top above the state of dependence, we can do better!

Level three, the utopia of emotional maturity, is interdependence. You think in terms of "We". What can "we" do to improve this situation? How can "we" work together to resolve this issue? It actually takes two independent people to cooperate to reach this level. A dependent and an independent can never achieve a state of interdependence as the dependent needs to evolve to independence to contribute equally!

The synergy created by a team of like minded individuals is a multiplying force that works exponentially. If you join two independent people without the synergy of interdependence you have a one plus one equals two formula. When you have two people working interdependently you use the power of multiplication, exponentially. That one plus one becomes two to the power of an unlimited factor! "We" are only limited by the power of our vision, when interdependent

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. You mean it took team work to bring you in to this world.
    Your mother lets not forget your father, the doctor the nurse etc.

    Thank you for your time.

    ..........................I MAN
