Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It Don't Matter to The Sun.......

We face emotional challenges everyday. Sometimes it seems the good Lord puts people here to test our resolve, and emotional maturity. You know those little blessings sent to us to see just what it takes to push us over the edge. They are, in fact, a great chance to examine just how far we've come in our leadership journey.

Your only as big as the smallest thing that gets under your skin. Reflecting upon that statement made me realize I wasn't standing tall. Besides raising my blood pressure unnecessarily, those challenges were reflecting just how emotionally mature I really was. After I started to focus on this it was easy to see how little it takes to send people into a tizzy. How many times have you seen people in airports, lose it, because of a plane malfunction? Just exactly what do they expect, the airline to place them on an unsafe plane? The reactions have become a source of entertainment for me!

Maybe it's a loved one who tosses you an emotional challenge. Our closest relationships know from our past behavior what it takes to push our buttons. It's not hard for them to light our fuse and send us off like a skyrocket. Can you imagine their surprise when that test is handled with a calm cool response? You send them away in amazement when you battle adversity with a smile, and a limited response.

Take a look at the bigger picture. There isn't a situation we encounter that will stop the sun from rising, so there is always a new day. With a new day comes renewed hope. I always ask myself, is the situation worth handing over control of my emotions to the instigator? Once you grant them control, your no longer in charge of yourself. They own you! With that in mind it's amazing how levelheaded I become.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Character, self respect, the leader within you

    Thank youf or your time,
    ..........................I MAN
