Saturday, March 13, 2010


One of the most prolific statements I've ever heard is, Information, applied is power. You can work your way through just about any situation, dilemma, or crisis with proper information. Knowledge applied will lead you to solutions.

In this day and age of the Internet, information is rampant. With just the click of a mouse you can have your hands full of input. Some good, some bad. How do we discern the difference? That's a great question! Personally, I consider the source. Does the author or advisor have the fruit on the tree? For instance, is your broke brother-in-law advising you on finance? Is the marriage counselor happily married with years of experience, or five times divorced? Is the well meaning friend telling you how to raise your children a parent with well balanced, successful offspring, or a train wreck emotionally with their kids? I like to follow in the footsteps of those who are successful, not theorists.

Once you decide the input your getting is coming from a quality source, the next step is action! Applying what you've learned is the key! How many PHD's are under employed, or out of work all together? Stacked full of information, yet not applying what they know? Action cures fears! Take that step, ask that question, apply the knowledge you've gained.

Now on to the most important step, feedback. Is the action you've taken yielding the results you desire? "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results",(Albert Einstein). My mentor, (Top 10 leadership guru Orrin Woodward) has a process he calls PDCA. Plan, (seek knowledge), Do,(take action), Check, (get feedback), and Adjust, (course correct). Not every plan is fool proof, that's why you check and adjust to achieve the desired results! I love PDCA, I use it in everything I do!

It's also key to insure your action will have a direct affect on your goal. Keep the main thing, the main thing. Don't be distracted by shiny objects. When an obstacle presents itself, ask if it has anything to do with achieving the final result you desire. If it doesn't pass it by.

Sometimes it takes compromise to arrive at your destination. A great quote to live by is,"Win, win or no deal." (Stephen Covey). This is a real art, and your PDCA will really come in handy here. It's a fine balance to find the great, and not settle for the good. As Jim Collins tells us, "Good is the enemy of great." Look for a balance of great for all parties involved when solution seeking.

Now your armed with great information! Go attack that problem! Remember action cures fears, and brings results to PDCA! You can't steer a parked car!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to deal with this." You don't have to, because it will deal with you!

    Challenge the known to defeat the unknown.

    Thank you for your time.
    ............................I MAN
