Sunday, March 7, 2010

Vetted Out?

I was thinking, and some of you know what a challenge that can be, about how we, as humans, treat the animal population. As compassionate beings, whenever a pet or even a wild animal gets injured or sick, we end their suffering by euthanasia. It just seems justified to us to terminate the suffering quickly. Then somehow we justify the same process for overpopulation, or unwanted pets. Shelters put countless animals to sleep, (a term we use to soften death), simply because we have no place for them, or their allotted time for adoption has expired. Isn't it interesting how we rationalize moving from death to end suffering, to death to end overpopulation. Somewhere we got anointed responsible for mandating when one of God's creatures became useless or a burden. Then most municipalities have a government run department who's job it is to pick up these strays and carry out the sentence, (the animal "control" division).

I was just pondering how thankful I am we've not applied that to fellow humans as well. It's great we don't have any agencies that mandate when you've outlived your usefulness, especially one funded by the government. Presently we have no oversight on how our quality of life is affecting or contributing to the welfare of our planet. I'm thankful there are no doctors or veterinarians assigned to," put us to sleep", because no one wants us, or we've surpassed our allotted time here on earth.

So what separates us from having the same fate as our pets? A few simple laws and the morality of man. Are we in jeopardy of being dealt with in a similar fashion? Well that's a great question! Aren't those animals rounded up by the "dogcatcher" subject to government run healthcare? And isn't their execution decided upon not only budgetary concerns but usefulness to society?

So, is this line of thought a leap from the possible? Lord, I hope so. We've already set an example as to how we deal with unwanted pets, I hope it's not an indicator of the mentality brought on by government control. History doesn't have any examples of the human race committing genocide on unwanted men or women; or does it? Maybe we should take a closer look at what the government controls, and what the possibilities of unchecked power grants. Are we really sure of the agenda of our elected officials? After all we've never voted for change and gotten something we never expected or bargained for, have we?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. In the Netherlands, people are being involuntarily euthanized.

    The elderly are afraid to go to the hospitals in that country, because,they know the doctors can kill then without their consent!

    It's is no difference from a dog go to the pound to be put to sleep.

    The doctors in the Netherlands have adopted a man-centered economic formula to determine if a person has enough worth to be allowed to live.

    The value of human worth is not found in the condition of human life but in the sanctity of human life.

    we deny the very essence of humanity by disowning, discrediting, disallowing, and devaluing WHO WE ARE!

    Once you have defined humanity down to the level of animals you have created the perfect environment for,

    Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao, Poe Pac,

    These men where not color blind or races they saw no difference between animals and humans,

    They regarded the over 200 million people they killed as no more then animals.


    They has an hidden AGENDA where life, faith, love, personhood, and respect of GOD didn't fit in there AGENDA.

    How where they able to accomplish there agenda.

    EASY! they sold CHANGE!

    HUMMM! CHANGE! where did I hear that!

    True CHANGE is in the bible!! not in the mouths of men.

    GOD in your life is the only one who can provide the change we desire not man?

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
