Monday, March 29, 2010

More Ammo For Your Pouch!

Through life's course we are bound to encounter people who just don't share the same political philosophy as we do, and yet they insist upon trying to sway you toward their side of the fence. Inevitably it's usually an overbearing relative, who is armed to the teeth with left wing rhetoric, just the kind of thing you want to avoid at a family outing. Some how they fail to realize your a free thinking American and your entitled to your opinion, and if you really thought theirs had any merit, you'd gleefully adopt it.

So how does one discontinue their assault upon your beliefs? I have a fool proof method to deflect and quiet the Saul Alinsky trained left wing political advocate. It works every time and more often than not they'll never engage you in a political discussion again. I call it, Capt. Bill's golden rule of political philosophy. Here's how it works......

When the misguided political advocate tries to corner you and impose their overbearing opinions into your head, you let them first make their opening statement. Like say they open with, "I'm so glad the healthcare bill has finally passed.", just as an example. You immediately counter with a very strongly worded,"Oh really, why is that?" They will then proceed to lay out their argument supporting their position in detail, trying to leave no stone unturned, hoping to convince you to agree with them. After they've bloviated and relieved themselves of their political constipation, you simply smile and reply in a loud but firm voice, "I used to feel that way too, until I got more information!" then turn briskly and walk away. It works every time.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Why is it every time I'm given something for free it cost me more money then if I went out and paid for it.

    Thank you for your time.
    .............................I MAN
