Thursday, March 25, 2010

To Be Or Not To Be?

I'm not a big TV guy, but I was noticing that the History Channel isn't part of a basic package with my service provider, yet MTV is. Why is that? Why do we have to opt to pay extra to learn about history, yet we can watch "Cribs" for free? Wouldn't MTV be a draw to entice you to purchase an upgrade? It is extremely popular, and could be an incredible revenue generator, where the History Channel, not so much. So from where I'm sitting, the people who control your media input, hold meaningful history for ransom, yet they'll pollute your mind with meaningless dribble for free. Ask yourself, to whose advantage does that play into?

I also got an e-mail the other day that informed me that Oklahoma is denying people who cannot read English the right to possess a driver's license. The qualifier is the road signs are all in English, so to not have a grasp on the language would put others at risk. Just like they won't give you a license to drive if your blind or deaf. So I began to think, why is it we push Americans to go bilingual and have to offer Spanish rather than teach English to those who don't understand it? Isn't it more cost effective to teach 11 million or so people to speak English than to teach 300 million to be fluent in Spanish? Why don't we give the same considerations to the French speaking population, or the German, or the Japanese, etc?

I was then led to the push for America to recognize ebonics as a language. We were asked to consider allowing street slang to be accepted as a form of communication as if it were the dialect of our nation. This outrageous proposal was thankfully shelved.

So you might be wondering what led me to ponder these unrelated subjects. Well, if you look at them they all have one thing in common. They all promote ignorance, the hand tool of the progressive agenda. How can you possibly know what's being proposed in Washington if you don't have a grasp of the language? How can you know if what they are doing is in line with the founding father's principles if you don't understand history? How do you even know who the founding fathers are if you don't understand our history? It's difficult enough for people who are fluent in English and a base knowledge of history to keep a handle on the controlled confusion promoted by our government. How would you expect someone who didn't understand the foundation of our government nor completely mastered our language to be a responsible voter? Is this agenda preconceived to enhance the progressive voter base? They give them entitlements, but keep them confused so they vote for the hand that feeds them.

How hard is it to dazzle the uninformed by offering them food stamps, welfare, immigration reform, and free healthcare, and all you ask for in return is to register to vote and cast that ballot for your benefactor? Why isn't it mandatory that entitlements come with strings attached like a drug test? As a ships master I have to submit to drug tests to continue earning a living, it's for the safety of all concerned. Isn't it a concern that our unemployed, needy citizens live a healthy drug free existence so the needs and welfare of their family be met?

What the progressive's fail to meet with their social justice agenda, is social justice. It's not fair to lower the bar, keeping people uneducated and poor. They enable this behavior to enrich their voter base, insuring strong election turn out by simply telling them their entitlements will be threatened if the other party comes to power. I submit to you the continuing decline of the inner cities, whose representation has been from the liberal left for decades as rock solid proof. It's documented, appalling, and contagious. Now they want to infect the rest of society with this disease, and why not? It's been effective for them to date, and it's attractive to the nar-do-wells, because it involves no effort at all!

I love the stories of people who rose out of poverty to become productive citizens. Show me one that did so without a struggle. Show me one who did it without education. Those who did it succeeded because they refused to accept the status quo. If they accepted entitlements it was to use them as a stepping stone till they educated themselves out of poverty. They had a dream, they had a struggle, then they had a victory!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

PS Happy Birthday to a great leader and friend. Thanks for your guidance and all you do Orrin!

1 comment:

  1. How I see it.
    Some people have made there minds up even before they have any information right or wrong.
    So some people will never accept the correct or correction.
    Why because Joe told them and Joe knows.
    But who told Joe, Ted and Ted was told by Gorge and who toll Gorge well Bo.
    The government suffers from what I see as the mother hen syndrome.
    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers on the government, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's GOD entitle them a decent respect to the opinions of the people.
    Well Joe didn't tell me that so it must not be true.
    Joe was thought all he know's by Bo and Bo know's ____________.

    Thank you for your time.
    .............................I MAN
    ORRIN happy birthday big respect thank you for what you don't know you have done for all of us.
