Thursday, March 18, 2010

Intelligent Design!

I'd be remiss if I didn't thank everyone for all the encouraging input yesterday, apparently that observation was a thought provoker! So how do I top that? That's a challenge I face every morning, so let's see if I'm up to the task today!

Over on Orrin's blog>>> is a documentary hosted by Ben Stein titled, "Expelled." It exposes the bias in academia over the topic of Creationism vs Evolution. I'd encourage you to check it out as I was amazed at the narrow minded prejudice between peers.

Here's what I found disturbing, these professors teach their beliefs to our children, and will likely fail them in the course if they choose to have a different opinion. Now I realize there are holes in both theories of how man came to exist, but to dismiss either, in my eyes, is simply uninformed. I was also cognizant of the attitude of the Darwinism believers. If you had a different point of view they dismiss your opinion as stupid, and verbally express that. Name calling is never an option in debate. Anyone who lowers themselves to that,is not armed with enough facts to intelligently express their point.

Now here is my view. Even if there is truth to Darwinism being a correct theory, wouldn't it be safer to hold the possibility of a Intelligent Design Theory as well? After all if Creationism is true, to dismiss it would sentence your soul to eternal damnation. I'll stay on the safe side of that one.

Here's the funny part. Darwinism believers think it's stupid to think life on earth was created by a higher power. Yet they are convinced man has evolved through a process of lining up a series of proteins in an exact order then duplicating that process flawlessly over and over again, until we crawled out of a puddle of slime. So my question is, where did the puddle of slime come from? How was the earth created? Where did the universe come from? You might get a response about the "Big Bang Theory", which is the belief that two particles crashed and exploded into the universe. So where did the two particles come from?

While they find it easy to dismiss the possibility of a Intelligent Design by a higher power, there are just as many holes in the Darwinism theory. It's impossible to explain how something was created from nothing, period. When challenged the Darwinism fanatics will retreat till finally they will concede earth might have been seeded by an alien presence. Isn't that Intelligent Design? Let me ask you the bigger question....Where did those aliens come from?

As you can see, Darwinism has many holes that are unexplainable. So to dismiss others beliefs isn't very academic like. I'm a simple man, I believe in God. While I also believe man and other creatures are capable of, and have, evolved to suit their environment, science cannot explain life or creation. So I'll hold true to my theory it's a combination of the two. It's not fair to deny tenure or dismiss a professor because he disagrees with your theory. It's also not fair to prejudice your grading of students because they don't fit within your narrow belief corridor. That my friends speaks volumes! Perhaps a little of the creationist application of the "Golden Rule" is required here!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

PS The job of a professor is to teach you how to think, not what to think!

1 comment:

  1. The life of Jesus was foretold by the prophets 2-300 years before he was bone even the place hr. and to whom.

    It has been estimated that to for fill half of theses prophesies it would been a 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
    000,000,000,000,000,000,000, to 1 yet JESUS fore filled 85% of them in his short life time.

    So "professors" how was it that man knew and foretold theses prophesies in the age of no tv, cellphone, computers,dvd, Darwin, liberals, or you professors.
    Better yet how did he do what he did.
    Professors if you don't know the answer it's because like the "sheep" you haven't read the BIBLE!
    "IN GOD WE TRUST" I've never read in man we trust.

    Thank you for your time.

    .............................I MAN
