Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't Go To The Back Of The Bus!

On a crowded bus in 1955 American seamstress, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. Her act of defiance ignited the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which lasted 381 days. It brought public busing segregation to an end.

This was one person's protest to injustice. She was arrested for her efforts, but she'd had enough. It wasn't about being a radical, it was about principle. Too often Rosa Parks is adorned for defiance, but it wasn't about that in her mind. She'd grown up with the KKK driving past her house in full dress garb, her grandfather having to stand guard with a shotgun on the front porch protecting the family. The school she attended was burned down, twice. She'd had a run in with this bus driver before, when he left her to walk five miles in the rain, because she sat down in the white section to pick up the purse she had dropped. The injustice had built it self to an ugly apex. She had become tired of giving in.

Her only comment on the situation; "All I was trying to do was get home from work."

When principle guides your protest, you’re on the right side. There is no need for violent outcries. No need to degrade the other side. Americans, when given the two choices side by side, with all the facts in clear view, will always make the right decision. We prove it time and time again! The problem is when the facts are clouded by spin, half truths, or flat out lies. When history is distorted or religion teachings are interpreted to fit the agenda, we get lost in our values. Misinformation creates bad decisions, and it's rampant in America today.

Here's my thought...If you find anyone distorting the facts, distance yourself from that individual. Like Rosa Parks it's time we said enough. If a politician tells you something isn't a tax, yet defends it's inception in court by telling the judge it is a tax, so they are justified under the Constitution to enact it, you were lied to. When an administration tells you they've, "saved or created" jobs that just don't exist, you are being misled. When a preacher takes the pulpit and fills your plate with collective salvation, or social justice, it's meant to lead you astray. We will all be judged individually, not as a group. Your responsible for you in the end.

These are just a few examples. Demand the truth from those in office, in your home, at your work. Like Rosa we are tired, tired of being lied to. Sit down in the truth section of the bus and refuse to get up. And when your asked why you won't budge your reply will ring wholesome and righteous ,"I was just trying to demand the truth!"

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
    Unintentionally or unconsciously Rosa Parks remains immortal for standing up to the tyranny of her right of freedom.
    One person moved a country to fight the wrong that was.
    Everyone involved saw the opportunity to be heard by speaking so load the world heard their voices.
    They cried so load you can still hear them.
    Now that you've been asked to get up and move to the back of the bus so some one else can sit there are you just giving up your seat or will you stand up for what's right??
    Moral of the story is SPEACK up and be HEARD!!
    Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”

    Thank you for your time.
    ..........................I MAN
