Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Color My World!

I was mistakenly under the impression that after we finally cracked the race barrier in the White house, there should be a greater acceptance of racial parity. Silly me! After reflecting on the racial state of affairs, it seems we've found ourselves in a worse place than ever. Not since the 1960's have we seen the emergence of radical hate groups like the "New Black Panther " party. You have to figure since a man of partial African-American descent occupies the presidency, radical skin color based organizations believe they have a pass on behavior.

One would think a qualified leader would stand before the country and denounce these hate groups. Realistically they do nothing to promote race relations, in fact they're now morphing us back four decades. I know if I held a position of power, and someone similar to the KKK appeared, they would have my immediate and full attention, until the wrong doing was corrected and they crawled back into the hole they came out of. There is no need for tolerance in this day and age of racial bias.

We've come a long way baby, and it's not been a pretty trip. Why would you take a step back into the past? What is there to gain from segregating our nation into a color spectrum?

Lately I've heard renewed cries for reparation to the ancestors of the injustice of slavery. Where does that begin, and where does that end? Mexicans were enslaved by the Aztecs and the Spanish, are they entitled to a cash settlement? Anglos were serfs, a medieval form of slavery, the Jews were held in slavery by the Egyptians, the Romans took Christians as slaves then fed them to lions for entertainment. Some how picking cotton and tobacco doesn't look so bad after that last scenario. Are those groups harboring hate for generations after they suffered wrongs?

Becoming civilized was a painful process, everyone suffered, but it was all part of the learning process. I propose we learn to embrace our heritage and be proud of the sacrifices our forefathers made. It's not productive to you or anyone to embrace a victim attitude. Or you can continue to play the race card and allow the cloak of victimization be your excuse. That decision defines your existence.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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