Sunday, July 4, 2010

Older And Wiser?

Happy Birthday America! July 4,2010, the day we celebrate our independence. America is the world's example of liberty and the free enterprise system. As with any birthday it's great to reflect back and evaluate to see if your satisfied with the past year's performance! So let's take pause and review.....

Congress has enacted legislation, and the President has signed into law the governmental control of student loans. The federal government now decides who gets funding for higher education, it's no longer possible to receive a private loan to attend college. Your option of funding has been reduced to one, with their terms and limitations. You know, that doesn't seem very free market like, nor does it seem to give you the freedom of choice our country was founded upon...Hmmmm.

Health care is now under the control of the federal government. This cost cutting, cost control measure once again reeks of limitations. Does a free market society founded upon liberty turn to a government agency for control of anything? Upon reflection that's not sounding very free.

The federal government has seized control of two private companies, and is threatening to enact legislation to expand that authority to financial institutions. That sounds more like Hugo Chavez then the freest nation in the world. The more I write, the farther it seems we've strayed from our mission statement!

Chicago, New York City, and Washington D.C., have tried to use legislative authority to ban the ownership of guns. Isn't that a direct violation of our second amendment rights?

Well now, it seems we have a fight on our hands if we want to remain free. Apparently we've become complacent, and it appears we've forgotten what it means to be free. Government control of anything, save the powers given in the Constitution, is an infringement on our freedom. Regulation, while lack of it leads to abuse, is the foe of a free society. Abuse should be dealt with by the laws already on the books. We have laws in place to prosecute those who defraud society, let's use them, not enact others. We have no business in business, if they make bad decisions and fail, so be it. Use the Anti-Trust laws to prevent monopolies, thereby preventing,"to big to fail" syndrome. It's not wise to lay all this on the back of the federal government. Isn't it in fact better if individual business fails, or should we overload Washington till it spirals out of control and the country's economy crashes? There is a limit to what the government can take financially.

Aren't birthday's a wonderful time to reflect?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

PS Just ran across this! Love it!!!! Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers. Liberty is a man-of-war, and we are all crew. ~ Kenneth W. Royce

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