Sunday, July 25, 2010

Love Trumps Fear!

The opposite of love is fear, but what is all encompassing, can have no opposite.
-A Course in Miracles.

How any times in life have you come across someone who hands you statements like this?.....

It's every man for himself.

I just don't know about the future.

Men/Women are only looking for one thing from me.

I just don't know about this economy.

Woe is me.......

I think you get the picture, You're dealing with a consistent negative mind set, someone who lives their life base in fear. That fear causes them to live a reactive life of perceived threats, whether real or imagined. What I like to refer to as living a scarcity mentality, rather than one of abundance.It's an ongoing strategic response to life, a virtual permanent defense mechanism. This stigma carries with it a constrictive and painful existence, that guarantees a never ending cycle of disappointments, fuel by the expectation of yet more to come.

How do you conquer this ingrained negativity? Well I've always been told you get what you picture. Try viewing the world through the eyes of love, rather than the fear of suspicion. The need to replace the negative focus with a positive force fueled by a loving intention.

Have you ever met someone who exaggerates everything? It's driven by the fear you won't accept the story they are trying to tell you. For some reason they assume a defensive posture and have to aggrandize their narrative. It's a cry for love and acceptance. They are communicating to you they don't feel worthy of your love and yearn your respect. Albeit the exact opposite of the road to respect.

We overcome this shortfall by applying more love and assurance. It's also imperative to insist on the truth. A good fish story is one thing, but keeping the message clear that you expect the truth from those you have a relationship with is critical when dealing with this condition. This has to be conveyed with love, remember they are already unsure of their position with you. So walk softly, and in love to repair this lack of self worth!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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